Files are attached below, the instructions and my attempt on this.

An interface is a boundary which shared between two or more computers so that to exchange data. The data exchange can be conducted between computer hardware, software, peripheral devices and humans. The interface development first began with punch cards that were first developed in 1801 by Joseph jacquard. (Kamar, 2018). He used them to control automatic Jacquard looms. In the year 1832, they were first used to store and search for information by Semen Korsakov. In the year 1928, they were used for general-purpose operations in conjunction with other machines.

In 1946, John Mauchly was funded by the American Military to develop the Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator, which was more advanced than the punch cards. It was used by the military to calculate artillery firing tables. The light pen was then invented in 1952 so that to be used in Whirlwind. In the 1980s, it became common for home computer use.

The Sketchpad was developed by Ivan Sutherland in 1963 and was the first interactive computer graphics program to be developed. It is also identified as the base of computer software and graphics applications. The Mouse development followed in the same year, which was developed by Douglas Engelbart and Bill English. In the year 1995, the first computer mouse operated by a scroll wheel reached the market.

In the 1990s, a Natural User Interface was developed that allowed users to interact with the system as if they are interacting with the real world, such as Augmented and Virtual Reality. The system is still in use and being developed to take the world in a whole new direction. (Grudin, 2017). The future ends with developing an organic user interface that will allow the display to take any form. It will also allow a curved flexible computer display so that to give users the best experience.


Grudin, J. (2017). From tool to partner: The evolution of human-computer interaction. Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centred Interaction.

Kamar, H. (2018). The Evolution of Computer Technology. The Rosen Publishing Group, INC.