I am needing help with a journal article critique paper. All instructions, rubric, and template are attached. 3-5 page limit. Not including title and reference page.


This is the Title of My Assignment

My Name

Course Name

Lamar University

Semester Year Term

This is the Title of My Assignment

Introduction or Article Summary

Here is where you will discuss the first criteria of the critique. Provide a brief summary of the key points of the article, including the problem statement and purpose of the study. Distinguish your thoughts from the author(s) words and include appropriate citations. Also, remember to use quotes sparingly or not at all (paraphrase instead when using sources) to show you understand and can apply the material. Times New Roman 12 point font, double spacing, and one inch margins on all four sides are used throughout the paper. This section should be one to two paragraphs total. A reader who has not read the article should be able to understand your summary. Keep in mind, however, that the critique below should be longer than your summary.

Major Strengths

Here is where you will discuss the major strengths in the article. Some of the questions you should ask yourself: What parts of the article do you think the author(s) did that was positive? What was learned from the article? Is the title appropriate and clear? Is the purpose of the article made clear? Are the methods described adequately? Is the sample selection described representative and unbiased? Are the statistical methods appropriate? Did the authors include a theoretical framework? Is it appropriate for this study? Did the author(s) provide a sufficient and relevant literature review? Have any ideas been over or under emphasized? (give examples and suggestions for revisions). What is the validity and reliability of the study?

Major Weaknesses

Here is where you will discuss any weaknesses in the article. What are the limitations? Do the data and conclusions contradict each other? Was the discussion relevant? You can ask yourself some of the same questions as above, and apply them as either strengths or weaknesses, depending on your critique. There is no right or wrong here. It is your qualified opinion of the article.

Future areas to Consider

What questions remain unanswered? How could future studies be improved? Focus on areas to consider in the practice of substance abuse counseling. What type of clientele would benefit from this research approach?

Reflection and Conclusion

These are your conclusions, not the authors. Ask yourself, what surprised you or struck you as interesting? If you totally agree or disagree with the author(s), discuss that here and explain what you really thought about this article. In your opinion, do the data support the conclusions made by the author(s)? Are the results thought provoking? What was the most important thing you learned by reading and critiquing this article?

Before submitting your assignment, make sure you proofread your paper for mechanics, usage, grammar, spelling, and sentence structure and ensure all assignment criteria have been met. Each section of your review (each of the five criteria) should be at least one well-developed paragraph.


(Notice that this starts on a new page. To make sure it stays on its own page, use Insert Page Break). Your references will follow the general format below and will be double spaced without additional spaces between references. This is an example of how to cite a journal article from Week 1. Be sure to consult your APA manual for specific instructions on reference formatting of various sources. Note that the directs say to provide a critique of the assigned article using related reading and materials in support of your critique, so you should have more than one reference here.

Birnbaum, H. G., White, A. G., Schiller, M., Waldman, T. Cleveland, J. M., & Roland, C. L. (2011). Societal costs of prescription opioid abuse, dependence, and misuse in the United States. Pain Medicine, 12(4), 657-667.