5 assignments. Lets decide the rate

Assignment 3 (version B)

Assignment 3 is composed of five written-response questions. Your response to each of the five questions should be approximately 150–250 words. Prepare your responses for all five questions in one document (Microsoft Word or compatible).

Each question is worth 15 marks.

  1. Explain the meaning of the following:

  1. The youth dependency ratio

  2. The hidden momentum of population

  1. According to the microeconomics of fertility, what are the major determinants of the demand for children?

  1. Outline five possible negative consequences of rapid population growth in a developing country.

  1. Describe and compare the rates of return on educational expenditures by level of education in LDCs. Why are social rates of return different from private rates of return?

  1. Explain how Uganda has addressed the AIDS epidemic.

ECON366 v5 Assignment 3B November 10, 2016