5 assignments. Lets decide the rate

Assignment 4 (version A)

Assignment 4 is composed of five written-response questions. Your response to each of the five questions should be approximately 150–250 words. Prepare your responses for all five questions in one document (Microsoft Word or compatible).

Each question is worth 15 marks.

  1. Why is maintaining the traditional agricultural system not a viable option for most developing countries?

  2. Why might land reform be a precondition to equitable rural development?

  3. What is comprehensive, or integrated, rural development?

  4. Describe how the Hecksher-Ohlin model illustrates that the existence of different factor supplies in different nations leads to gains from trade. Specify the necessary assumptions.

  5. What is the relationship between inward-looking strategies and debt crisis?

ECON366 v5 Assignment 4A November 10, 2016