So attached to this question is my outline. Yes, My outline is vague as hell. I'm at a military school and can not focus on thin right now. This paper needs and annotated bibliography as well. Goal

Perception is Reality

SELECTED TOPIC: Perception of Relationships INTRODUCTION
  1. How someone perceives situations can speak unspoken volumes. Have you ever over analyzed a situation that ended in a breakup of some sort, whether intimate or platonic? Did you regret it? Have you ever asked your self why? I am a U.S Army Drill Sergeant and one thing we teach the new recruits is that “Perception is reality.” What is normal for you, can be frown upon in others’ eyes. So, what will you do to change yourself? How will you conduct yourself? Think about your current relationships’ friends, family, and coworkers. How do you think those people perceives you?

  2. Overview of your 3-5 Key Points

  1. Point 1: What is perception?

  2. Point 2: How can perception negatively affect in the military?

  3. Point 3: How do drill sergeants get the trainees to change their perception.


I. 3-5 Key points with adequate supporting information.

A. Definition of perception. Pick Up day.

B. Basic training is broken into three phases

I. Key Point 2

A. How trainees are broken down and built up through each phase

B. Tension in the formation

I. Key Point 3

A. Peer Reviews

B. Graduation

  1. We have explored perception in relationships during stressful situations.

  2. The “-isms” we have created throughout the years are broken down and reformed. These tactics are created to reform civilians into soldiers, those 10-week process are stressful, emotional, and sometimes depressing.

  3. Closing statement: The way in which someone perceives a situation can quickly become reality. How do you perceive the people around you? What have you mistaken for reality?


EDUCBA sets ethical process for perception. (2020). Why is it Important To Manage Perception in the Workplace?

Retrieved from

This article presents the process of perception. The process is summarized a schematic representation perception through input and out. The authors speak on the types of perceptual errors and ways to improve ones’ perception. This is a helpful source for understanding perception and how we as humans make perceptual errors daily.

The Department of The Army (2018). The Soldier’s Blue Book

Headquarters, United States Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Eustis, VA: Author.

The United States Army has developed a guide for future soldiers joining the Army. The pamphlet contains what to expect and explains the solidarization process, along with the history of The Army. Throughout the journey of basic training for all future soldiers the pamphlet is an expectable item. This is an indispensable knowledge that can be referred to throughout ones Army career.

Akins, Katherine. (1996).

Akins, Kathleen. “Perception.” New York;: Oxford University Press, 1996. Print.

The authors express her concern on how we can see the world veridically. The author concern of the popular opinion of the question since Helmholtz (1867). The initial aim was to start a priori argument to show that all studies sine Helmholtz were incorrect and diagnosis an appeal. This argument questions the idea of perception in a new light.