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Cloud computing

Cloud computing is an on-demand computing service that enables organizations to acquire resources depending on their computing needs. Typically, cloud computing offers pay-as-you-go services and provides a range of services from application hosting, processing power, and storage. Cloud computing eliminates the need to acquire on-site computing resources or data centers. Cloud service providers offer cloud services inform of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS (Velte & et al., 2009).


Scalability defines an organization's ability to cope with dynamic conditions and perform well under the fluctuating workload. Scalability is typically associated with the ability of an organization to handle an increasing workload. The cloud provides an easy way for organizations to increase or decrease their IT capabilities (Singh & Malhotra, 2012). For instance, the cloud provides unlimited bandwidth for organizations to increase their bandwidth requirements whenever necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.


  1. Flexibility for growth – the cloud is easily scalable, and businesses can add or reduce resources depending on their requirements and market conditions.

  2. Cost-saving – cloud computing eliminates the need to purchase physical hardware resources and hire trained personnel to maintain the hardware.

  3. Strategic edge – cloud computing offers a competitive edge over competitors since it helps businesses to exploit opportunities in the market.



  1. Internet connectivity – Reliable and fast internet connectivity is a must in cloud computing.

  2. Cyberattacks – due to the extensive adoption of cloud computing, cybercriminals are devising attacks that target cloud services.

  3. Vendor lock-in – it is sometimes difficult to move from one cloud service provider to another without significant legal and financial consequences.

Compare and contrast public, private, community, and hybrid clouds.

Private clouds - are cloud services dedicated to a single organization and are not exposed to the public. The services are behind the firm's firewall and managed by the organization's personnel.

Public cloud – cloud services in this category can be assessed and used by anyone.

Hybrid cloud – these cloud services include both private and public cloud solutions. Sensitive applications and delicate information are allocated private cloud while all other services are hosted in the public cloud (Coyne & et al., 2018).






Coyne, L., Dain, J., Forestier, E., Guaitani, P., Haas, R., Maestas, C. D., ... & Vollmar, C. (2018). IBM private, public, and hybrid cloud storage solutions. IBM Redbooks.

Singh, A., & Malhotra, M. (2012). Agent based framework for scalability in cloud computing. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET)3(4), 41-45.

Velte, T., Velte, A., & Elsenpeter, R. (2009). Cloud computing, a practical approach. McGraw-Hill, Inc..