Course: Cloud Computing (ITS-532-M30) Assignment-1 Assume a business or charitable organization approaches you for advice. They are considering deploying a solution to the cloud. implemented in eith

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Post 1:

To develop a cloud service solution for an organization, it is essential to understand and include a cloud service deployment model's best practices. The best practices include managing resources, using an on-premises environment or providing service from another provider, and managing a cloud service. Here are the recommended cloud service deployment models for the organization Cloud Services. All cloud services are cloud services because they are hosted on clouds. A cloud service is a virtual machine that lives on an Amazon EC2 cloud instance (Kocabas & Soyata, 2020). Amazon AWS or another EC2 provider hosts the cloud service, and the virtual machine resides on the AWS cloud instance. Cloud services enable to extend business processes and integrate services that meet the organization's needs. A virtual machine cannot be hosted by another private server provider in a virtualized environment because its virtual machine can only communicate with the services running on the private server. On the other hand, it is possible to set up another private server provider and create other virtual machines in the same network environment. Cloud services enable to extend business processes with external services such as APIs, software packages, data, etc. Cloud services enable us to be flexible in requirements. For example, it can deploy multiple cloud services and use different cloud services for each. Cloud services are used as different layers of functionality that can be integrated within the business and vice versa (Kocabas & Soyata, 2020).

In my opinion, the organization can follow the PaaS service model, as it will free the developers of the administrative and maintenance work associated with servers. Organizations can work on their core functionality without worrying about resource management. There are many options for cloud platforms that provide competitive pricing that is billed based on the traffic that the organization receives (Mahmud et al., 2020). Cloud services, such as SaaS, can be used as a solution for the organization. There is not a lot of content available in the SaaS platform for small companies. The solution is not suitable for larger organizations where they do not have multiple offices with several developers and designers. So, the need to create the new content on the SaaS platform is more complex, and hence it has to be scaled up to more and more massive (Mahmud et al., 2020).


Kocabas, O., & Soyata, T. (2020). Towards privacy-preserving medical cloud computing using homomorphic encryption. In Virtual and Mobile Healthcare: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice (pp. 93-125). IGI Global.

Mahmud, R., Srirama, S. N., Ramamohanarao, K., & Buyya, R. (2020). Profit-aware application placement for integrated Fog–Cloud computing environments. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 135, 177-190.

Post 2:

Cloud deployment based on PHP, .NET and Java

            In modern days, cloud computing has various technologies and have a huge impact on the employability of software developers. The technology consists of several languages of programming that help to stand in the field of cloud programming. The programming language, Java used for generalized purposes and implemented in cloud technology. The language has the ability to run smoothly the same program on various systems while it comes to cloud technology (Prokop, Trofimenko, Severin & Bukata, 2019). The programming language .Net is designed to create website applications with several functions and offers various solutions with changeable webpages, which can be visualized in different browsers. Besides, PHP is the programming language majorly utilized in the cloud environment. The language can easily run on the browser of Windows and UNIX and has a powerful output presentation. PHP is an entirely object-oriented language that helps to build large applications of websites so that it easily runs on the most popular web servers.

Benefits of utilizing Java in cloud computing

            The organization approaches a method of implementing cloud technology and advice from me that Java is the most beneficiary language for implementing cloud technology. I recommend the language within the technology for implementing as the feature of the versatility of the language permits it to be utilized in the design of the applications for Android, website, desktop computers, etc. and makes the language suitable for performing any programming functions (Beineke, Nothaas & Schöttner, 2018). This feature of Java helps the organization to make comfortable for any device. Besides, the coding of the language is easier than others for learning and it is quite easier to implement without any complications, which helps the organization to store the documents in the cloud easily. Java is an important independent platform, which provides the benefit to the organization for moving from one system to another easily. Most of the companies nowadays utilize Java for cloud technology due to its feature of robustness and the capabilities of holding multiple platforms. In the cloud, the overall data from the internet of things are transferred and stored in the cloud, which makes the storage of servers easier and faster and java is important as the primary language of it is used in the cloud services.

            The cloud service associate with Java language provides highly reliable features and availability to the organization. Java cloud service has the capability to support the portable features of an application so that it can easily jump from cloud to the normal application and this is the added advantage for the organization. Many organizations apply Java in their cloud services for its feature of availability of immediate access to the platform and this benefit; I recommend that Java is the best language among all others. Presently, Java is the most important programming language and each modern version of Java consists of the various modern features, which helps to store the data easily in the cloud (Grgic, Mihaljević & Radovan, 2018). However, Java is the programming language of object-oriented so that it supports encapsulation, polymorphism, etc. that becomes easier to make the applications extensible. From the perspective of these advantageous features, I recommend the organizations to implement Java in the cloud services.



Beineke, K., Nothaas, S., & Schöttner, M. (2018). Scalable Messaging for Java-based Cloud Applications. Schnelle parallele Fehlererholung in verteilten In-Memory Key-Value Systemen, 44.

Grgic, H., Mihaljević, B., & Radovan, A. (2018, May). Comparison of garbage collectors in Java programming language. In 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 1539-1544). IEEE.

Prokop, Y., Trofimenko, E., Severin, N., & Bukata, L. (2019, June). An Analysis of Criteria for Choosing a First Programming Language in Universities. In ICTERI (pp. 420-425).