Tip: Please see the attachment for additional information to complete the assignment. Based on what you’ve learned this week, answer the following questions in a 2-4 page document: APA format with In-

Week 9- Assignment, Rubric, & Lesson Content

Assignment: Calculating Uptime

Based on what you’ve learned this week, answer the following questions in a 2-4 page document:

  • What percentage of uptime annually will your facility’s servers deliver if your IT staff takes them offline for maintenance every Sunday for three hours? Show how you arrived at this value.

  • Describe the factors that influence the decision to set maintenance windows for IT services in a healthcare facility, and what the impact of such a maintenance window would be.

  • Consider that the IT staff has indicated that the three-hour maintenance window each week is mandatory. Propose a means by which your facility could increase uptime to 100%.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.




Uptime percentage correctly calculated for item #1

Accurately described the technical and organizational factors affecting decisions regarding maintenance windows

Uptime proposal includes valid technical and organizational changes



Lesson Content:

When planning to install an important information system on a local area network, it is critical that some approach be planned for measuring the quality of service that the users should be able to expect from that service. Because of the dependencies involved in a complex information system - server performance, network performance, availability of electricity, for example - different measures must be used in order to form a complete picture of how well the service is working. These finite measures may guide the IT staff and the organization as a whole towards making decisions about upgrades, improvements, and other changes.

Calculating Uptime

Uptime is a measure of the availability of a specific service, regardless of dependencies. This is often the most important metric that system administrators track because it is a clear indication of to what degree they've been able to provide their services to the end users. Uptime is typically calculated as a percentage of time per week. A system whose uptime is 99.7%, therefore, is only down for 30 minutes per week:

(7 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes ) * .003 = 30.24 minutes

More often than not uptime is established as a target expectation, and may be expressed as a technical requirement when building a new system. Doing so allows the people who are designing a complex information system to plan for the need for redundant systems so that the uptime target is achievable.

Calculating Network Performance

Because most information systems are accessed via the local area network, it is valuable to measure the capabilities of that network to see its impact on the quality and availability of those systems. Network performance is typically measured in these terms:

Capacity - The actual capability of the network to carry data. Expressed in bits per second (bps).

Utilization - The percentage of the capacity of the network being used over a specific period of time.

Throughput - The quantity of error-free traffic sent over the network. On a perfect network this value would be the same as the capacity, but too many additional factors affect data transmission for this to be possible. The most common measurement of throughput is packets per second (PPS).