Option #2: Modern Leadership in a Mid-Sized Company You are an organizational development (OD) professional for ABC Company in the role of human resource strategist working across several lines of bus

Running head: MILESTONE 0

Portfolio Milestone


Course Number (ORG561) – Examination of Modern Leadership

Colorado State University – Global Campus

Dr. Calvin Lathan

August 23, 2020

Portfolio Milestone

Outline #1

The primary objective of this paper is to outline the framework that will be used to complete the final portfolio. To achieve this objective, the paper will be divided into roughly four components. The first is to introduce the information and what challenges the organization is facing. Second will be to discuss diversity and why it will be important to implement into an organization that is lacking such. The third component is to address leadership in the organization and how they will help define diversity. The fourth and last component is the proposition of a diversity program and policy that will help manage this change and educate the organization.

  1. American workplace is working towards becoming more diverse.
  1. Corporate leaders are confronting the challenge of embracing inclusivity to accommodate different races, genders, ages, and culture.
  1. Background of ABC, Inc.
  1. Current state of ABC, Inc as a mid-sized
  2. ABC has a corporate headquarters in United States, with outsourced locations in Mexico and Vietnam
  3. Current challenges ABC is facing with the lack of diversity on the board, in leadership, as well as workforce.
  1. Understand how the current rating is affecting ABC and steps to resolve the challenges
Promoting Diversity
  1. Diversity: What is it?
  1. The understanding that each individual is unique, and taking the time to recognize their individual differences.
  2. Diversity involves race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and culture.
  1. Current status of ABC with diversity
  1. Currently at ABC the board consistence of six men, one woman and all U.S. citizens. The leadership team has four men and one woman with one ethnic minority still all U.S. citizens. Employees on the workforce are 40% non-U.S. citizens.
    1. Showing that higher level positions are mostly male and American dominated
  2. Lack of diversity can cause a negative impact to the organization’s future.
    1. Example why diversity is important for ABC, Inc.
  1. What is Leadership?
  1. Leadership is the action of leading a group or an organization. However, there is more to leadership then telling people what to do. A strong leader understands diversity and how to implement direction based on those in their organization.
  1. Review how leadership has changed from 1920 to Modern day.
  1. Leadership at ABC, Inc
  1. Currently more men than women in these roles. Diversity would allow for different outlooks of the organization as a whole and possibly provide new ways to grow.
  1. Including a more diverse leadership staff would allow for a better reputation at the organization but also build morale as the workforce now has something to work towards in their career.
  1. Equality
  1. Difference between equality and diversity, and how it can affect an organization such as ABC, Inc.
  1. Equality can be implemented in areas such as pay. Allowing for those to earn more skills and knowledge within the organization knowing they will have a chance to earn the same pay regardless of their culture, race, age, or gender.
Propose Diversity Management Programs and Policies
  1. Diversity Program
  1. These programs will ensure the right level of diversity is established within the organization.
    1. Allowing for more opportunities of growth within different roles regardless of age, race, gender, or culture
    1. These programs will allow for a better status within the business world, while also lowering turn over, and improving internal hiring.
  1. Diversity Policy
  1. Educating and implementing a policy showing the importance of diversity within an organization will provide buy in, as well as increase the morale of the organization providing better production.
  1. Educating the importance of a more diverse staff to the leaders and management of the organization will ensure steps are taken to improve the current standing.
  1. Job for the Board and leadership
  1. It is important to being the process of increasing diversity within the organization. Board members should conduct research on the best practices and review the current standing of the company and what can be done to start the process.
  1. Create a team or committee to help research and improve the organization’s diversity status.
  1. Recap issue at ABC, Inc
  2. Summarize current position and what steps can be taken.
  3. Explain why diversity is a positive thing for an organization and how it will improve the organization’s success.

Outline #2

The primary objective of this outline is to provide a review of the book Promoting Leadership Development and Talent Management in Modern Organizations. The purpose of this book is to provide assistance in covering why leadership in modern organizations play such a large role. This will also provide ways to help improve leadership development in an organization by explaining strategies that organizations can use to benefit performance and productivity. This book will be key in the portfolio and as it explains the importance of leadership development, and when moving to improve an organization there are ways to help make the transition successful.

  1. All organizations plan to attract and retain their team of the most talented and highly effective employees
  2. In his book titled Promoting Leadership Development and Talent Management in Modern Organization, Kasemsap (2016) explores the strategies that firms should implement in order to optimize the performance of productivity of their employees
Book Analysis
  1. Kasemsap (2016) provides the theoretical and practical overviews of leadership.
    1. Additionally, the author provides stages and approaches that can be employed to boost leadership and talent development.
  2. The author lays out the importance of leadership development in modern organizations and in promoting talent management.
  3. According to the author, promoting leadership and talent management is required for firms that seek to serve suppliers and customers, improve performance, and reinforce competitive advantage.
  4. Through talent management and development, organizations can gain continuously in the digital age.
Author calls for the need to:
  1. Promote leadership development and talent management
  2. Establish strategic plans to regularly check their practical advancements
  3. Use strategic tools to measure talent performance


Antonakis, J., & Day, D. V. (2018). Leadership: Past, present, and future.

Kasemsap, K. (2016). Promoting leadership development and talent management in modern

organizations. In Managerial strategies and practice in the Asian business sector (pp. 238-266). IGI Global.