PART 1: OUTLINE Module 3 you will present an outline of your Final Project for a Final Project Progress Report using the guidelines found in Week 13, Module 5. The Progress Report will include a compl


This is the Title of My Assignment

My Name

Course Name

Lamar University

Semester Year Term

This is the Title of My Assignment

This is where you introduce the purpose and format of the paper (note that you do not type “Introduction”). The section lengths are noted below, but also check the assignment directions to determine the minimum or maximum page requirements for this assignment. Please note that the title and references pages do not count toward page length. Times New Roman 12-point font, double spacing, and one inch margins on all sides are used throughout the paper. Refer to the grading rubric for additional information about the assignment.

Overview of the Case Study

In approximately two paragraphs, provide clear information about the case study. Include appropriate citations. Remember to use quotes sparingly or not at all (paraphrase instead when using sources) to show you understand and can apply the material. This applies to all sections throughout your paper.

Procedures and Process for Assessment and Diagnosis

Provide a clear description of procedures and process you would use for assessment and diagnosis in the selected case study. Be sure to include rationale for your selections (may use bullet points with rationale). Identify 4-5 procedures and processes for assessment and diagnosis of the case under consideration.

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

Provide a comprehensive examination of at least five pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic principles. Include an analysis of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the substance(s) used in your case study and provide a chart that summarizes the information.

DSM-5 Diagnosis

Develop a diagnosis based on criteria from the DSM-5. Include a rationale for your diagnosis with current level of severity as well as any other appropriate specifiers. This section should be approximately two paragraphs.

Mental Health Issues

Analyze and discuss how the mental health issues in the case study are either caused by or exacerbated by substance use. This section should be approximately one to two pages in length.


Discuss the genetic, biological, environmental, social, psychological, and/or philosophical elements that might impact the case. This section should be approximately one to two pages in length.

Dual Diagnosis

Discuss the special needs and treatment recommendations related to dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders. This section should be approximately one to two pages in length.

Treatment Options

Analyze and apply the main techniques, strategies, or approaches of common treatment options for the case study selected. Provide a chart with rationale that summarizes at least five main techniques, strategies, or approaches of common treatment options for your selected case study.

Risks and Protective Factors

In approximately two to three paragraphs, explain at least three risk and protective factors that impact the individual in the case study.

Relapse Prevention and Treatment Plan

Describe the efforts you would include toward relapse and prevention. Develop a treatment plan in chart format that incorporates these concepts. This section should be approximately one to two pages in length.

Ethical and Legal Issues

Analyze and discuss any ethical or legal issues inherent in this case. This section should be approximately one to two paragraphs.

Close with a concluding paragraph.


(Notice that this starts on a new page. To make sure it stays on its own page, use Insert Page Break). Your references will follow the general format below and will be double spaced without additional spaces between references. Provided is an example of how to cite the DSM-5, a chapter from the textbook, and a journal article. Be sure to consult your APA manual for specific instructions on reference formatting of various sources.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

Hollman, L. F. (2018). Treatment planning and treatment settings. In P. W. Stevens & R. L. Smith (Eds.), Substance use counseling: Theory and practice (6th ed., pp. 143-165). Upper River Saddle, NJ: Pearson.

LastName, FirstInitials. (year). Title of article in lower case unless first word, proper noun: Or following a colon. Journal Title in Italics, volume(issue), 00-00.