I want to know the references for each assignment except the last one.

Economics Assignment

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ECON366v5 Assignment2A

Question 1

Harrod-Domar model is an economic Keynesian model that measures the growth rate through two variables: savings and capital. According to the model, for the growth of an economy, savings and capital are imperative. Harrod-Domar model incorporates two variables as the determinants of economic growth; therefore, the total output of an economy is growth (g), which is equated to savings ratio (s) after division with capital ratio (k).

Harrod-Domar Model formulae

g = s/k

Harrod-Domar model is in Keynesian economic models that are common with the analysis and explanation of economic growth based on savings and capital; therefore, being the main constraints. According to the model, the growth rate relies only on savings and investments as the paramount factors. The model assumes that there must be an equivalent flow of resources to cater to savings and investments for steady growth in the economy. Also, the approach adopted by the model, it views the economy as closed with adequate employment opportunities.

Question 2

The Lewis theory of development in economics it's referred to as the dual theory. This theory presumes that labor is split between two sectors for economic development; these sectors include subsistence and capitalist sectors. Lewis's theory of development was developed in 1954 by W. Arthur Lewis with the study of developing economies leading to establishing two sectors. Additionally, these sectors rely on labor for production, with the subsistence sector having surplus labor used up in the capitalist side.

Subsistence sector; according to Lewis development theory, this sector is indigenous that caters for self-employment, production for self-use with limited or no exchange of resources for economic development. However, the model argues that surplus labor from this sector is used in the capitalist sector, leading to introducing a dual-sector economy that leads to industrialization and utilization of the excess resources from the subsistence sector. In the capitalist sector, it caters for the production and reproduction of capital for payments to capitalists. Capitalists control their capital for production leading to an increase in labor requirements. The capitalists can venture in both private and public investments.

Question 3

In the 1980s, the theories established regarding development were referred to as neo-classical-revolution through the reference to the revolution that took place in the 1970s. Neo classical-revolution was a joint approach to country markets by governments of various states that included the United States, Germany, Britain, and Canada. The theories targeted the rationalization of these countries' economies by changing policies that controlled the economy. These countries were among the developed countries that wanted a type of market that supported laissez-faire. Classical-revolution held that the government and publicly held corporations should be privatized to enhance the macro-economic side favoring the reduction of dependency on the state and neo-classicism. Also, the revolution favored free markets that would allow for the member countries to trade under special rates with low or no restrictions leading to capitalism. Moreover, the theory held that dependency increased poverty in underdeveloped nations due to increased government controls, unfair pricing, and resource allocation.

Question 4

Property rights and economic development relate closely. In most economies, the protection of property rights is recognized by the law, leading to the creation of laws and regulations to give exclusive control on the property owners to generate income as they wish within the constitution's jurisprudence. When protected and given the right to exercise their free will, most property owners increase productivity that allows for efficient resource utilization as they minimize costs and increase productivity, leading to economic development. Proper property protection rights make property-owners consider the productivity of a project and manage it efficiently and effectively, favoring the general society through the creation of opportunities, leading to rapid economic development. In contemporary society, countries understand the role played by private property ownership. In most cases, government and public owned properties are poorly managed to lead to losses, which is a difference in private owned and run investments. Property rights restore owners' courage and allow them to make the best decision that sees efficiency and effectiveness with a lot of economic value.

Question 5

Grameen Bank is a financial institution in Bangladesh that extends credit facilities to the poor in the society without requiring any attached collateral. The microfinance institution believes in offering credit with low-interest rates to assist the impoverished in starting and sustaining small businesses that can support their livelihoods. The bank has a significant presence in Bangladesh with a continuous expansion over the years. Grameen Bank was established in 1983 and incorporated as an independent financial institution. The bank's founding principle was to support the poor in society to earn some income for themselves instead of charity, which would not guarantee a future for the less privileged in society. Though the bank has experienced various financing obstacles, its performance and growth have indicated that it is a profitable venture and project that can be replicated in other parts of the world to allow for the poor in the society to earn their income leading to a reduction of dependence ratios. The venture's obstacles will include copyright claims, loan defaults, and lack of enough funding as the bank receives grants and support from the government and international organizations.

ECON366v5 Assignment3B

Question 1

The youth dependency ratio

The youth dependency ratio refers to the proportion of dependents aged 0-14 to the global allowed working age of 15-64 years. The youth belong to the age between zero and fourteen; hence, international society deals with this age group as underage that should depend on their elder counterparts that should be working. In society, that age group presents the formative and schooling age hence not employees. An increase in the youth dependency ratio presents an urgency requiring better schools and policies supporting education.

The hidden momentum of population

The hidden momentum of a population refers to the continuous growth of the population even after a fall in the number of birthrates in a country due to the presence of a large proportion of the population among the youth increasing the number of childbearing age. This situation is not easy to stabilize as it takes various generations to correct the abnormality. Many youths expand the base of potential parents shortly, making it hard to control.

Question 2

Microeconomics studies individual decision making at a personal level. According to the microeconomics of fertility, there are many determinants of the number of children a family might have. Many societies have cultures and beliefs that control decision making in the number of children. In most developing economies with rich cultures, not yet disrupted have a norm of having a certain number of children. Also, religion plays a critical role in the microeconomics of fertility. Some religions like Islam allow for the marriage of many wives to one husband, a situation that can lead to large family sizes with many children. Also, resources play a critical role in the quality of life families' lead. In contemporary society, with high literacy levels, many families want to have the best lives, hence controlling children's number. Literacy is also paramount in the number of children a family has. High literacy levels affect the size of families indicating education is essential. Underdeveloped countries with higher illiteracy levels tend to have large families.

Question 3

A rapidly increasing population in a developing country is faced with various negative consequences that affect the country's economy. These consequences include; the strain on available resources; the rapid increase in the population increases the demand for public goods, leading to the government's requirement to look for more ways of catering for the population. An increase in the dependency ratio; an increase in the population in developing economies leads to high dependency ratios because the available opportunities cannot cater to the whole population. Increase in external borrowing by governments; to cater to the population and provide for basic needs, the governments in these countries will have to seek more funds from the international community to cater to the boom in the population. A decrease in quality of life; increase in population reduces the access to the limited available resources decreasing the quality of life the population lives. High mortality rate; increase population may result in high deaths due to poor living conditions and standards affecting the population's ability to lead a better life. Also, the crime rate in society might increase.

Question 4

The rate of return in education can be equated to any project that has a yield. The rate of return presents the summary of the costs and benefits incurred by a project within a given period. In education, returns have been analyzed by introducing human capital theories dating back to the 1950s. In the least developed countries, education is valued differently, affecting the rate of returns. There are some changes based on education that impact the economy by imparting the right knowledge and skills, hence creating a difference with the other countries within the same social status. The social rate of returns is different from private due to the nature of the approach. In Private rates of returns, the decision revolves around efficiency, effectiveness, and creation of income. In contrast, in social returns, it's more of a provision of services to the general public without considering the economic impact. Additionally, the education journey adopted by learners is different, with some considering higher education whereas others drop from school hence a significant in the rate of return.

Question 5

Uganda is among the world's prosperous countries in handling the HIV and AIDs epidemic. During the 1990s, the country observed a decline in the number of infections that the country was experiencing through the intervention by government policies and actions. The society itself, through government actions, saw a change in sexual behaviors. The government created a short and medium-term policy with timely reviews with recommendations used as an action plan. Additionally, with the WHO's support, Uganda was the first country to get such support from the international organization marshaling up the required resources, budgets, and action plans. Education is paramount, and the country started to educate its population on HIV and sterilization of medical equipment, testing of blood before transfusion, and cleaning of hospitals to avoid contaminations. A continuous program review with the introduction of new methods like distribution of condoms and knowledge, the setting of massive labs, and aggressive approach in the health sector led to the decline in the HIV infections in the country.

ECON366v5 Assignment4A

Question 1

In most developing economies, agriculture is majorly the primary source of livelihood of the population. Still, due to the intensity, it is not a feasible option without a change to adjust to meet global changes. Traditional agriculture has low yields and time-consuming, hence requiring advancing into new farming methods that involve the use of technology and advanced methods. These countries are advancing into agriculture supported by technology to increase the profitability and rate of return, earning more revenues and decreased production/ farming costs. Additionally, traditional farming involves the cultivation of large tracts of labor-intensive land. In modern society, the land is a scarce resource that has to be subdivided to support other economic activities like industrialization hence requiring a shift from traditional farming. The land is a resource that, apart from farming, supports other economic activities; hence in contemporary society, developing countries have used the land for other economic activities reducing the mileage for traditional farming.

Question 2

Land reform is a precondition for equitable rural development by changing traditional land ownership and adopting new methods and processes like leasing or co-ownership. Traditionally, land exchange involved purchase and change of ownership, increasing the costs involved. The original owner agrees with the leaseholder on payment of rent for the land as economic activities take place on the land through leasing. The landowner may lack the capacity and will to develop the land, but a lessee can develop the land, leading to economic value and general rural development. In the rural setting, there are significant idle portions of land; hence, a change from holding of land with little or no economic activity requires proper land reform process with support from the government by reducing restrictions on land use. Governments should support long term contracts that allow for massive land investments opening up rural areas to development. Short term agreements lead to a restricted development on the land.

Question 3

Integrated rural development is a method adopted by planning to enhance land-based development. This has been geared by failure to have meaningful development in the past in rural areas, with the existing developments being directed to areas with more productive capability leading to a leave-out of the rural areas. According to integrated rural development, well-structured development programs and action plan are put in place to cater to the left out rural localities. Integrated rural development infers to the actions and plans augmented to open up rural areas to enhance the creation of streams of income other than farming. These opportunities present new streams of income, leading to rural area improvements and industrialization. The approach adopted for integrated rural development is geared towards developing rural areas to improve the quality of life with more productivity away from traditional methods. The strategies set emphasize on economic development for enlightening the condition of lives in rural locations.

Question 4

Hecksher-Ohlin model postulates for the enhancement of trade between two or more countries. Each country should produce the products that they can virtually through analysis of the available production factors. Through the Hecksher-Ohlin model, countries require striking an equilibrium that supports trade through specializing in the varying resources available in different countries. When each country produces according to the available resources, they have enough products for both local and international markets. Each country should specialize in producing goods from the factors of production that are readily available and import from the other countries, which is not readily available and or cannot produce efficiently. To enhance trade, each country should concentrate on the efficient and effective production of readily available products and sell the surplus to other countries. In return, they should import from the other countries what the country doesn't have or struggles to produce efficiently. This model exists in contemporary society in support of international trade, expanding to other production factors like labor.

Question 5

Inward-looking strategy refers to the local production of products and services that a country majorly imports from other countries domestically. In such a condition, the country protects the local products from adverse competition from foreign goods through government policies that prioritize locally produced products. The government can extend policies through quotas and tariffs that enhance local produce's productivity as they gain a competitive advantage over imported products. In the countries' debt crisis, imports play a critical role in increasing external loans and grants to cater to these costs. In-country production limits the urge to import goods and services from other countries, reducing debt to other countries. By substituting imports with locally produced commodities, this supports the local society expanding the economy, creating the availability of more financial resources that the government can use to settle outstanding external debts and improve its economy without dependence on imports and debt from external lenders.

ECON401v7_Assignment 2B

Question 1

Economic integration in the world is slowing after decades of spontaneous growth. The world economies have been interlinked together due to trade and technological advancements. However, in contemporary society, the trend has changed with slow integration. Countries are becoming more independent through supporting local production capacities slowing down international integration. More countries have enhanced support to local products due to high technology availability, making it easy for local production a hindrance to global trade. Additionally, some countries have established policies that support local productivity and are harsh to imports. In the establishment of trade embargos, countries are supporting their local products more than imports. Increasingly, the development of trade blocks negatively affects the other countries as the prices for commodities are higher than what is charged on other countries; hence countries adopting measures to produce locally. Internal politics additionally play a role in the control of trade and economic integration. World superpowers have an interest in growing economies hence affecting the relationships these states have with others.

Question 2

Multinational enterprises have business interests, indirect foreign interests for various reasons. In trade, multinationals trade in various jurisdictions to take advantage of better business environments. For instance, a company registered in the United States can have investments spreading across other countries that support international trade through fair business policies. Additionally, foreign exchange interests are an advantage multinational enterprises take advantage of. Most companies, more so those that can trade with their local currencies like the dollars and Great Britain pounds, which are more robust than most world currencies, make companies income from trade. Moreover, some countries offer tax breaks to investing companies in their countries hence a favor to multinationals. For instance, companies producing or providing a particular service may receive quotas, special tariffs, and tax breaks from the government, hence providing more financial resources to expand the businesses. There are many economic benefits that multinationals get in making international trade. In applying transfer pricing, these ventures can take tax advantage to pay less, a traditional way of reducing the tax burden of companies.

Question 3

Globalization allows for international trade, and the growth of global integration allows for economic expansion. However, governments require setting up policies to control trade and activities that the population and external companies can conduct within their jurisdiction. These policies require the support of local products first before allowing imports that will kill or reduce local businesses' capability. Most international companies use developing countries as dumping sites for their cheaper products than local products, leading to a decline in the local economy. Additionally, the government requires putting measures and policies that control the quality of products to ensure that the population gets value for their financial resources and control risks associated with substandard products. Additionally, globalization allows companies to trade internationally, hence growing local economies in foreign companies. However, governments require setting up of policies that control the exploitation of local resources and labor available. Due to cheap labor, international firms may take advantage of cheap labor available in some countries.

Question 4 a)

Criticism of the international monetary fund (IMF) has been increasing globally with strong arguments on the kind of loans and grants it extends to countries. The international monetary fund has been extending financial debts to countries with conditions requiring nations to implement. For instance, in most countries, the IMF requires that governments reduce external borrowing, lower spending, and increase revenue collection through taxation. Also, the IMF directs countries to increase interest rates on borrowings to enhance the currencies' stability, making it hard for the local economy to grow. IMF is supposed to be non-partisan in the activities that place within a country. Still, the non-governmental organization has kept on pressing on for stringent measures to governments to make adjustments on public and government-owned parastatals for privatization, reduction of bureaucracies, and de-registration of some of the organizations. Also, the IMF pushes for financial reforms to be implemented by the central banks regarding the fund's supply within a given country.

Question 4b)

Growth in global capital markets is advantageous to investment firms. Investing firms are impacted positively through the expansion of trade derivatives, stocks, and new markets. Without growth, investing companies are limited to less possible investments hence low returns. When the investment opportunities are many, investing firms can invest in various investments, increasing the returns. Additionally, growth in global capital markets allows for the spread of risk into various opportunities hence safeguarding a firm's investment. Spreading risks is imperative to ensure the survival of a firm.

Question 5

In contemporary society, technology is a changing variable, with innovations and inventions coming up daily. Technology impacts society on various merits, including social contract. The social contract refers to an agreement passed by members of a given society to achieve a more massive social benefit to the whole population. Technological advancements affect the social contract of the society affecting existing agreements. Technology can provide an excellent platform for society to integrate and reach more members to ratify a given agreement. However, on the contrary, technology creates an online social society that can opt to post, publish, or share any information disguised against the social contract. For instance, social media platforms like Facebook do not have strong policies that can assist in using real information of a given person or group. This situation can mislead an entire society. Technology has high risk than the advantages it has to social contracts that have been in existence in society.

Discuss the impact of outsourcing on the nations involved and the need for a proper governmental policy on outsourcing by the respective governments.

ECON 401v7 Assignment

Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation


Outsourcing is a business idea that supports the sourcing of products and services from external suppliers when those in the country are inadequate or unavailable. Most countries outsource various products and services to ensure that society is well catered for, and the basic needs are provided. Nonetheless, despite the advantages of outsourcing goods and services, there are various disadvantages to a country hence requiring policies and regulations to control its effects. These approaches need the help of neighborhood items first previously permitting imports that will slaughter or diminish local organizations' ability. Most international organizations utilize developing nations as dumping destinations for their less expensive items than local items, prompting a decay of the neighborhood economy. Furthermore, the legislature requires putting measures and arrangements that control the nature of items to guarantee that the populace gets a return for their money related assets and control hazards related to imported or outsourced products. Moreover, outsourcing permits countries to exchange universally, henceforth developing local economies.

Outsourcing is widely discussed in many countries globally with demands to support the local economy. Economists and political leaders often disagree on the pros and cons of outsourcing. Outsourcing can be imperative in the growth of a local economy when a country imports or outsources what the country doesn't produce and capital. For instance, the outsourcing of technology can play a role in creating an efficient and effective economy through the improvement of productivity. Developing nations can outsource agricultural technology to enhance their productivity, which leads to high yields supporting the economy. Outsourcing on the planet is easing back following quite a while of unconstrained development where nations request help from different nations to help neighborhood capacities. The world economies have been interlinked together because of exchange and mechanical headways.

Nonetheless, in contemporary society, the pattern has changed with diminished outsourcing. Nations are getting more autonomous through supporting of neighborhood creation limits hindering worldwide coordination. More nations have improved help to nearby items because of high innovation accessibility, making it simple for neighborhood creation an obstacle to worldwide exchange. Furthermore, a few nations have built up arrangements that help neighborhood profitability and are unforgiving to imports. In the foundation of exchange embargos, nations are supporting their nearby items more than imports. Progressively, the advancement of exchange squares influences different nations contrarily as the costs for wares are higher than those charged on different nations, henceforth nations embracing measures to deliver locally. Inward governmental issues also assume a job in the control of exchange and monetary coordination.

Outsourcing can lead to general efficiency in an economy. For instance, a foreign company can invest in another country to take advantage of the available resources and labor. In many cases, the production cost affects the general prices charged on the product, hence availing cheaper products to the local market. Additionally, businesses outsource labor cheaply, creating employment in many developing countries. Despite these advantages, government policies play a critical role in the control of outsourcing, where they can put a minimum wage for its citizens to be paid. Also, companies may take advantage of the local lack of policies and use countries as dumping sites in the provision of products and services. Governments must set policies and action plans to prevent continued disposal of low-quality products within the country's borders to reduce this negativity.

More nations have improved help to near to things considering the transparency of high progression, making it fundamental for neighborhood creation an impediment to generally exchange. Moreover, two or three nations have created courses of action that help neighborhood profit and are unforgiving to the nation's imports. In the foundation of the embargo, nations are supporting their near to things more than imports. Outsourcing achieves the loss of some U.S. occupations anyway that developing nation's advantage and that those points of interest surpass the costs to rich countries like the United States. Americans may fight this, the state, yet outsourcing can provoke higher wages and more openings for work in the making countries to which U.S. firms redistribute. A couple of specialists consider this to be a favored position, saying that it can restrict the opening between rich countries and low countries after some time.

The outsourcing of work abroad is a brand name postponed result of the globalization of business fragments, and affiliations' drive to diminish expenses to grow benefits. If laborers in nations, such as India or China, can do a near activity at a discreet amount of the cost that local work requests, those employments will be sent to another country. It's a decent business technique that allows work to its most beneficial use, in any event as per fiscal masters. Finally, the impact ought to develop down and help customers by chopping down the expenses of creation, which can be given to purchasers, and to budgetary authorities who will see expanded as rule wages (Agburu et al., 2017). Without outsourcing, the United States presumably won't have kept up its status as a monetary superpower as the world changed into an arranged, generally business network. While the expanded dispute is locked in by free business territories and in general focal point's purchasers, it can hurt affiliations that can't keep up. Outsourcing licenses new challengers to associations where work would have been pointlessly costly something else.

Another business endeavoring to convey electronic contraptions apparently won't have the decision to get off the ground if it is expected to use American successive development framework laborers, yet can now sufficiently discover incredible and subtle talented workers abroad. Impediments to fragment that once existed because of the capital necessities required at the startup stage can be gigantically diminished. Early movers in industry to re-fitting will have a high ground from the beginning (Asatiani et al., 2019). Yet, that ideal position will keep being separated as more contenders make a move as necessities are, and newcomers are motivation to join. Right when everyone is sharing, the concealed great position is discarded totally. Outsourcing likewise reinforces new rivalry by causing break and debilitating of the deft chain. Allegorically, new individuals can ascend to misuse how manufacturing may happen in another geographic area from thing plan and client organization in one more district. Some piece of business is agreeably subcontracted out, and that recommends that any new affiliation can select that equivalent legitimately restricting workers and produce dubious things for around relative expense as the colossal players.

In the outsourcing structure, a private scholar can serve the market, conceivably as a side-effect of an establishment charge. The private budgetary ace gains power and pay rights on the redistributed action (Ishizaka et al., 2019). She controls the undertaking and creation choices, and like this is subject to her focal points and difficulties. The private firm is permitted to set the free endeavor restricting structure costs for what it's worth. Regardless, because the free undertaking isn't commonly ideal, the association can improve government help by offering present ex concessions to the private firm; that is when hypothesis costs have been sunk, and shortcomings have been lit up. Ex post contracts are utilized by governments to offer a private firm to diminish costs and increase deals. They are wanted to battle the deadweight fiasco made by controlling establishment surveying.

Notwithstanding, to perceive such ex-post gets, the private cash related genius should, in any event, get her free endeavor advantage, which raises her assistance essential to the plan. Outsourcing consequently makes a positive fiscal impact considering how the lawmaking body can end sponsorships to those cash losing undertakings and perhaps to collect an establishment charge from the private scholar. Outsourcing comparatively brings in a cash related plenitude influence, as creation can be higher under outsourcing than under a straightforwardly managed firm (Agburu et al., 2017). Separating real government help with rule and outsourcing conditions shows that the game-plan of cash related cutoff points supporting the outsourcing choice is a long way from unimportant. Similarly, we find that outsourcing is engaging for rehearses with a more grounded mechanical shortcoming or lower benefit and for governments with harder budgetary imperatives. This gives a compliant framework for evaluating outsourcing choices and open private relationships in a little while. Ignoring how the critical occasions of offshoring experiences have not changed of late, the setting of this progress and the conditions affecting its utilization has changed on a fundamental level (Lahiri, 2015). The heads have expected to persistently change the limitations of within capacities and crucial most conspicuous flexibility because of the revived pace of progress during the essential part of the 2010s. An extra result is a necessary action toward sea outsourcing that has come to play in critical firms' drawn-out systems.

To be viable, the offshoring experience must begin by seeing the explanations for outsourcing. Toward the start, re-appropriates wanted to chop down creation costs. Affiliations have beginning late looked for more undeniable adaptability to diminish hazards and world-class access limits. The second step of the undertaking perceives the cutoff points or the cycles to re-fitting, which means seeing the affiliation's center and non-center practices setting a reliable change. To guarantee and improve profitability and market division, non-center practices ought to be redistributed. Outsourcing awards relationship to concentrate more on center limits, which are those exercises the heads do best and make the most worth. In any case, the separating line among the center and non-center practices and the cutoff focus among center limits are continuously harder to perceive and shield, since limits are moving tirelessly in a quick creating condition (Varajão et al., 2017). Tremendous affiliations have been the essential marketing experts of seaward outsourcing to reduce expenses and work unequivocally. Because of the brought worth conflict up in Western business divisions, the bosses have had no certified other option except to search for the best cost-control measures, like this making toward the sea outsourcing a specific decision.

In conclusion, most nations re-appropriate different items and administrations to guarantee that society is very much cooked for, and the essential needs are given. Regardless, in spite of the upsides of outsourcing products and enterprises, there are different impediments to a nation henceforth requiring approaches and guidelines to control its belongings. These methodologies need the assistance of neighborhood things first already allowing imports that will butcher or reduce nearby associations' capacity. Market analysts and political pioneers regularly differ on the upsides and downsides of outsourcing. Outsourcing can be basic in the development of a nearby economy when a nation imports or re-appropriates what the nation doesn't create and capital. For example, the outsourcing of innovation can assume a job in making a proficient and viable economy through the improvement of efficiency. Creating countries can redistribute horticultural innovation to improve their profitability, which prompts significant returns supporting the economy. Outsourcing on the planet is moving back after a long time of unconstrained improvement where countries demand help from various countries to help neighborhood limits.


Agburu, J., Anza, N., & Iyortsuun, A. (2017). Effect of outsourcing strategies on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). Journal Of Global Entrepreneurship Research7(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40497-017-0084-0

Asatiani, A., Penttinen, E., & Kumar, A. (2019). Uncovering the nature of the relationship between outsourcing motivations and the degree of outsourcing: An empirical study on Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal Of Information Technology34(1), 39-58. https://doi.org/10.1177/0268396218816255

Ishizaka, A., Bhattacharya, A., Gunasekaran, A., Dekkers, R., & Pereira, V. (2019). Outsourcing and offshoring decision making. International Journal Of Production Research57(13), 4187-4193. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2019.1603698

Lahiri, S. (2015). Does Outsourcing Really Improve Firm Performance? Empirical Evidence and Research Agenda. International Journal Of Management Reviews18(4), 464-497. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijmr.12075

Varajão, J., Cruz-Cunha, M., & da Glória Fraga, M. (2017). IT/IS Outsourcing in Large Companies – Motivations and Risks. Procedia Computer Science121, 1047-1061. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.135