Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of the Annotated Bibliography Assignment is to summarize and analyze six peer-reviewed journal articles. The articles are to be on t


Annotated Bibliography

Claudia S. Sample

School of Education, Liberty University

Author Note

Claudia S. Sample

I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Claudia S. Sample


Replace This Heading with the Philosopher’s Name You Selected

Annotated Journal Articles on <Name of Your Philosopher>

Authorlastname1, A. B. (2019). Article title in regular font with only the first word and proper nouns and proper adjectives, like European, capitalized: Subtitles may or may not be used. Journal Titles are Italicized and Capitalize All Major Words Except for the Articles, Conjunctions, and Short Prepositions, 15(2), 41-50.

After your first article reference above, write a 250-word summary and analysis. Leave the paragraph fully indented so that the author’s name is hanging over it above. The first several sentences should summarize the article in your own words. The last sentence or two should analyze an aspect of the article through the lens of the textbook, course videos, and/or biblical principles. Ensure you cite your sources in APA format. Example: (Jones, 2020); if you choose to mention author names in the body of the analysis, it should look like this: Jones (2020). You are not required to mention their names in the body of your analysis; it just depends on the point you are making.

Authorlastname2, C. (2019). Title of your second article on the same philosopher. Journal Title, 9(1), 577-590.

As above, indent this entire paragraph. Notice that, although everything is double spaced, there are no additional gaps or lines throughout. Never add extra lines. Sometimes Microsoft Word automatically inserts lines after headings, paragraphs, or sections. If you do not know how to remove these, simply do an internet search of your question: “How do I remove extra lines in Microsoft Word?”

Authorlastname3, D. (2020). Title of third article on same philosopher. Journal Title, 9, 577-590.

Enter your third summary and analysis here. Notice two things about the above journal. It does not have an issue number parenthetically inserted. That is because some journals do not have issue numbers. If there is an issue number, however, it must be inserted parenthetically with no space between the volume number and the issue number. Also, the above journal has a URL with a DOI (digital object identifier). If your article has one, you must include it. All you need to do is to copy the URL and to insert it at the end of the reference with no period after it.

Synthesis of Articles on <Name of Your Philosopher>

Enter a synthesis statement here of at least 150 words. It is formatted like a regular paragraph in a typical paper. The synthesis is not like an abstract or a comprehensive summary. It is to be based on your own conclusions and critical analysis after having considered the ideas in the three articles on your selected philosopher.

Preliminary Thesis Statement: <Name of Your Philosopher>

To avoid common errors, see the Annotated Bibliography assignment instructions for more details. Write one or two sentences that you anticipate may serve as the thesis statement to your upcoming Philosopher Analysis assignment.

Replace This Heading with Your Selected Historical Topic

Annotated Journal Articles on <Selected Historical Topic>

Authorlastname4, D. E. (2019). Title of your fourth article: This article is on your historical topic. Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104.

Enter your fourth summary and analysis here. This is on the first article representing your selected historical topic.

Authorlastname5, F. G. (2020). Title of your fifth article. Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104.

Enter your fifth summary and analysis. This is for the second article on the historical topic.

Authorlastname6, H. (2020). Title of your sixth and last article: It is on the same historical topic as the two articles above. Journal Title, 21(3), 97-104.

Enter your sixth summary and analysis here.

Synthesis of Articles on <Selected Historical Topic>

Enter a synthesis statement here of at least 150 words. It is formatted like a regular paragraph in a typical paper. The synthesis is not like an abstract or a comprehensive summary. It is to be based on your own conclusions and critical analysis after having considered the ideas in the three articles on your selected historical topic.

Preliminary Thesis Statement: <Selected Historical Topic>

To avoid common errors, see the Annotated Bibliography assignment instructions for more details. Write one or two sentences that you anticipate may serve as the thesis statement to your upcoming Historical Topic Analysis assignment.


Authorlastname, G. L. (2019). Sample book title: Sample subtitle. Publisher Name.

  • Do not repeat the six articles here that you have just annotated.

  • You may include other sources here that you have cited in your analyses above.

  • To cite videos, review this link on How to Cite Online Videos in APA in APA. Though it focuses on YouTube videos, the format will help you.

  • Delete the bulleted list that you see here in red so that it does not appear in your submitted assignment.