e-mail to a government or school official in which you propose an effective solution to a problem in your community or school.

Project-utilize geographic information system Chanya Morast

Part 1-assignments- 1. the information in the GIS display says that it shows the population of the seniors. 2. the areas colored in red represent 10% seniors. 3. Each dot on the map equals one hundred added to the senior populations. 4. When you zoom in more and more the percentage decrease for the senior’s population. 5. When you zoom in on Manhattan island the percentage gets smaller for the seniors’ populations. 6.the higher destiny of the senior’s population is in Jersey City, New York. Part 2-assignments- 1. area A-1,401-1,700 area B 1,001-1,200 area c 2,201-38,000 area D 0-800 area E0-800 2. the data on the map might be useful Columbus city school district. 3. If I had a hair salon, I would place it in area because it’s not too populated and it’s not over crowed. 4. if I had to put a warehouse any-where I would put it in area B because there’s is large amount of space to build things.