2 Separate assignments ASSIGNMENT I For this second building block toward your final research paper, you should prepare an outline and provide sources which will be used in your final paper. The outli


Correction Officer Deviance


Columbia Southern University

Professor Kim Clay

September 8, 2020

Summary of Research Paper

In this summary, I have chosen the topic Correction Officer Deviance. This research paper will focus on the deviant behavior of correctional staff in the California Department of Corrections. My reasons for choosing this topic is to conduct further research into the misconduct within the ranks of staff known as the “green wall” which is a legendary code of silence used by correction officers when they band together to cover up violence, misconduct, and criminal activities inside of California’s prison walls. I will further discuss the history of this gang and where they are today. I will be examining what constitutes deviance and how correction officers abuse their authority by submitting negative reports about inmates, humiliating them in front of others, destroying their belongings, placing inmates who hate each other in the same cell. I will also discuss how the green wall dealt with inmates in private. I will also hope to find a case that outlines specific circumstances surrounding the green wall. The paper will also discuss deviance targeted against other officers known as “whistleblowers” for reporting deviance and how this behavior could jeopardize the safety and security of the prison.

In conclusion, this research paper will describe and discuss several types of solutions that could minimize deviance behavior