question in the file 500 word JOURNAL ANALYSIS


due date;11th September

Part 1 should be written with a view to: The assessment item is the ’Journal analysis’ and should endeavour to synthesise your weekly learning journal entries, supported by appropriate references

  1. Tracking the changing patterns of group communication 

The group dynamic has developed every week; it started for me in week 2, because I did not attend my first week due to my limited communication. In week three, I felt more comfortable sharing my ideas within the group and building more relationships (Toseland & Rivas 2005).

The existence of effective communication is confirmed among group members only if the intended message by the sender is interpreted by the receiver the same way it is sent (Johnson & Johnson, 2006). The type of group we had in class was educative, reciprocal. The interaction patterns are different in every tutorial, sometimes it is free-floating, and some of the activities we has Round Robin, Esther asks us a question, such as, what we learned from the material as we all respond in turn.

The group exersices were used in each week made me more open and positively participating with the class as it has developed the relationship with the class as we all had work communicate with each other. The group communication is important as most students expressed their opinions and remained active, e.g. some students were withdrawn and most of the time they did not have their cameras on as some of the group members did not attend the class that affected our interaction.

  1. Linking these patterns to the operation of the group process.

Communication is the central point of solving problems. It is necessary when it comes to group work and group processes. The tutorials and the exercises have helped me to understand the elements of group processes and what facilitates them an example, in week 6, I have learnt the different type of power which it can display everywhere and also can be negatively or positively. As Toseland & Rivas (2005) describe, the important to incude each particepant in the discussion which it helps to share diffrent view point. Much attention has been put on communication during group projects, which is the way to express oneself and explain the nature of the task.

The exercises were useful during the projects because every member was eager to put forth their ideas and content related to work. Behaviour and thoughts managed the pattern of operating the process of group work. Work-related thoughts and group members can influence the work of the group. Thus, it is suggested whether thoughts remain professional;

challenging triggered thoughts and thinking processes during group projects.

  1. Discussing the implications of the above about the roles people take on in groups

The roles and responsibilities relating to the functions are shared in the group to maintain uniformity; these define behaviour about a specific function or task that the group member is expected to perform (Johnson & Johnson, 2006). The Primary role and responsibility of every member is to seek information, in the group everyone has a mutual goal to seek information, arrange it, and communicate to work in a group (Toseland & Rivas, 2005). In some cases, the group members or students asked a question that allowed other students to see the content or think about the content from a different angle.


  • Johnson, D.W, & Johnson F.P 2006, Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills, 10th ed, London: Prentice Hall.

  • Toseland, R.W, Rivas, R.F 2005, An Introduction to Group Work Practice, 5th ed, Boston: Allyn & Bacon.