Please see questions attached for Literature assignment: Chaereas and Callirhoe The Novel in Antiquity Thomas Hagg - the Literary Pedigree of the Novel



LEH352 – The Ancient Romance

Fall 2020

Instructor: Mark Murphy

Chapter III: The Social Background and the First Readers of the Novel

ID Quiz

1. In which of the five periods of Greek history set forth in his book does Tomas Hägg situate the origins of the new literary genre called the novel? What are the beginning and end dates of this period?

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2. In terms of political organization and governance, in what fundamental way does the Greek world of the Classical Period differ from that of the Hellenistic Period?


3. Which socio-economic stratum of Hellenistic cities is of greatest import for the development of the novel?


4. The post-Classical world of the Hellenistic Period “was widened”, especially in terms of increased opportunities for trade and commerce. What illicit activity made it a dangerous business to pursue such lucrative opportunities?


5. What Greek-looking word signifies “the fusion of religions”?


6. A mystery religion promised among other things a better life after death.

____ True ____ False

7. Ben Edwin Perry maintains that “epic and novel are one and the same genre” but appealing to different societies. According to this way of thinking, what sort of society does the novel reflect and cater to?


8. According to B. P. Reardon, the novel may be regarded as “the myth of late Hellenism”. What is the theme of this myth?


9. Name three groups of people who, according to Hägg, were attracted to the “easy entertainment”, “romanticism”, and “idealism” offered by the novel?

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10. What form of publication succeeded the papyrus scroll and was used frequently for the

Novel and early Christian writings?


11. Hägg tentatively concludes that the early audience for the novel was predominantly female.

____ True ____ False

12. According to Hägg, the first surviving novels were aimed at what people who lived where?

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13. What two artistic traditions, according to Hägg citing Murray and Gombrich, combine to free authors to compose their Greek novels in prose rather than verse?


14. According to Merkelbach, the externals of the early novels –“separation, wanderings, trials, apparent deaths, and final reunion of the two lovers”– reflect the myth of what two Egyptian deities?

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15. What are the two causes advanced by Hägg of the Greek cultural revival of the Imperial Period known as the ‘Second Sophistic’?


16. What did the original sophists teach? What did the “new” sophists teach?

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17. These “new” sophists toured the Greek-speaking world putting on performances. What did their performances consist of?


18. What was the main difference of purpose between rhetoric as practiced during the Second Sophistic and the same practiced during the Classical Period in the Greek city-states and in republican Rome?


19. “‘Rhetoric’ was as necessary and prestigious a part of a good education as the ‘humanities’

were until recently in our own educational tradition.” Not a question; just a quoted observation from Hägg. Everyone gets a point!

20. What did the Greeks call the new form of expression we call ‘prose’ (there are two terms)? (See the relevant PP presentation.)

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