The Presentation Congratulations. Your project has been staffed and you are about to meet with the team for the first time. Initial impressions are important and you’ll need visuals for your presentat


To: Subject: Status Report Week 8

My organization has decided to consider my proposal of implementing a new information system. To promote efficiency and effective flow of project activities, I will have to provide a weekly status report. The executives have assigned me a project manager who will help in providing the status report and ensuring that the project activities are progressing as planned. The objective of this status is to provide a weekly report of the project tasks including the accomplished tasks, project issues and project tasks for the coming week.

Project Task for this week:
  • Creating a team that will train and roll out the system

  • Assigning roles and responsibilities

  • Creating a software implementation plan

Project Task accomplished this week:
  • A team for training and rolling out the system was created

  • The team members were assigned roles and responsibilities

  • A software implementation plan was created

Project Issues:
  • Assigning roles and responsibilities as per the talents and skills of the team members was challenging

  • Most of the employees felt uncomfortable with the change and they had many questions that required a lot of time to tackle

Project tasks planned for next week:
  • System installation

  • System configuration

  • Setting up the necessary reports or outputs

  • Testing and running outputs