The Presentation Congratulations. Your project has been staffed and you are about to meet with the team for the first time. Initial impressions are important and you’ll need visuals for your presentat

To: James Manning From: Franklin Mejias Date: 9/08/2020 Subject: Week 5 Case Study

SLC Technology Consulting Inc is an established information technology organization that provides IT services and resolutions to clients' business needs. SLC is significantly growing and has established itself as a trusted solution source specializing in areas of business analytics, data management, network engineering, and information assurance. Knowing that technology is persistently evolving, and customer requirements change swiftly requires a system that facilitates flexibility to meet all the demands.

Implementation of Proposed Information System

An assessment of our expert strengths and weaknesses reveals that our major flaw is a failure to access risk appropriately. Although the implementation of departmental cloud computing might have been professional, a risk analysis shows its ineffectiveness due to the liability it passes to the company. Some of our most considerable strengths are from having the right human resources at precise positions. We have a robust IT department made up of the extensive talent scope of our key staff. We have a single system administrator, SharePoint administrator, database manager, and a help desk technology support group. However, a lack of proficiency in cloud computing is our current limitation.

Project Risks and Scope Creep

Our project scope is to make a more significant repository for the data we gather by implementing a hybrid cloud computing system. Currently, our onsite cloud can hold up to 10 TB of data. The proposed increase is approximately 20% annually; thus, for sustenance in the next five years, we will require an increase of at least 100TB. The approximated project cost is $20,000 for initial installation and $5,000 annually for maintenance. The project is approximated to be completed in 30 days from its start date. The project can be initiated on August 20th and end by September 21st.

Various risks have been identified to affect the project during the evolution potentially. The risks include vulnerabilities associated with the migration of data, loss of information, and downtime over the transition process (Stjepandić et al., 2013). The project team will hold weekly meetings to discuss the progress of the project and tackle any challenges that we might face. The best strategy for controlling the project is teaching the shareholders the equipment and implementation's cognitive capabilities. Before initiating the project, we will have to hold a meeting with the departmental managers to discover all ideas and concerns before the model implementation (Stjepandić et al., 2013). We will then proceed to seek feedback after the model has been implemented to keep the project on track and fully aligned with the organizational goals and objectives. For this specific project, I believe that enlisting a project manager's help as an additional resource will keep the development on the trail and in the requirements of our business scope. We can also contract a cloud certified expert to offer professional services and ideas in choosing the best vendor for our business needs. The move will free up the staff's critical function to advance in maintaining our ongoing networks as we initiate the expansi.on

Change Management Strategy

The sort of data gathered here comprises both structured and unstructured data. We have to access and process it into real-time information. Therefore, the move requires new hardware, four software solution, and database storage for the hybrid cloud. We need to look for solutions with low scalability, versatility, latency, and compatible formatting too ingest data (Hamilton, 2020). The benefits associated with the cloud include its quick scalability to meet the crest demands. Flexibility is a crucial benefit of cloud computing, but the data risk implications must be understood well when transferring data between public and private storage environments. The need for change management has been pushed by the forecast of our increasing customer base. The projects aim to provide flexibility and growth opportunity for our services by expanding our storage capacity to accommodate the anticipated growth for the next five-ten years.

Training will mainly be for the team that has to monitor the data warehouse. We will conduct some cross-training for permanence once we have implemented the full system. Following the project, approval is an organized structure for training the staff on the implementation strategy (Hamilton, 2020). We will launch the new system in three phases to allow the whole team to acquire familiarity with the changes in the new system. The old system will continue to function as the primary system until when the testing for hybrid cloud setup is complete. The final phase will transform our workload to the public cloud's off-premises as the core and our private onsite database as the backup.

The approaches that will be implemented to address any resistance include clear communication of the operational plan to all stakeholders and all organizational departments. This will be achieved by adding a representative from each department in the implementation meetings. Additionally, there should be sessions for training and answering some of the questions that the workers might have on the new system (Basu, 2015). Such interactive sessions will help all team members understand their roles and responsibilities and their input to make the change successful. All team members should also be motivated accordingly to ensure that they remain focused and dedicated to implementing the change (Hamilton, 2020).

Evidence of Feasibility

Evaluated optional solutions include our capability to amass all of our data onsite in the company's warehouse. The move is less risky but costly to maintain its full functionality. The staff needed to expand, and monitory a data warehouse is monumental. An initial investment cost of up to $900,000 and an annual maintenance cost of $425,000 will be required to launch a full-scale operation. The fact that the company is expanding significantly and needs to meet clients' needs requires implementing the new hybrid system. With the experts mentioned resources and strategies, the organization can execute the plan successfully.

I recommend we seek out an analytics-as-a-service solution from IBM. The IBM cloud computing entails a collection of cloud computing services for businesses such as Saas, PaaS, and IaaS that are provided to the hybrid cloud release, as well as public and private entities. IBM Cloud comprises managed solutions developed in a secure, scalable environment with significant business analytics applications. The services are founded on a universal infrastructure and incorporated with security patching, security services, congealed with operating systems, and data isolation (Jhingran et al., 2010). The company can secure the data, and SLC can implement artificial intelligence based on the IBM cloud with significant usable datasets. The analytics as a service provided by IBM include business intelligence, text analytics, predictive analytics, social media analytics, and many more (Jhingran et al., 2010).


Basu, K. K. (2015). The Leader's Role in Managing Change: Five Cases of Technology-Enabled Business Transformation. Global Business & Organizational Excellence, 34(3), 28-42. doi:10.1002/joe.21602.

Hamilton, L. (2020). Book review: Changing change management: strategy, power, and resistance. Management Learning, 135050762093525.

Jhingran, A., Joutics, S., Lee, W., & Pham, T. (2010). IBM Business analytics and cloud computing. Ketchum: MC Press.

Stjepandić, J., Rock, G., & Bil, C. (2013). Concurrent engineering approaches for sustainable product development in a multi-disciplinary environment. Springer.