APA style 2500 words Case TOPIC: https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/international-negotiation-daily/top-10-international-negotiations-of-2013-canceled-talks-between-the-u-s-and-russia/ FILES ATTACHE

The purpose of this project is to provide an opportunity to analyze the topic related to negotiations and demonstrate an in depth understanding of the concepts and theories introduced in the course.

The quality of the analysis in a project is more important than the topic itself.

projects should emphasize analysis, rather than description, of a negotiation.

a paper analyzing a negotiation situation should be structured in terms of analysis rather than in terms of chronology or description of events. Feel free to include your own analysis of how the negotiations could have been improved, or recommendations for what should happen, if it is a case that is still on-going.

The following criteria will be considered in the grading of final projects: depth and quality of analysis, intellectual understanding (how accurately do you use concepts, methods, and theories from the course), creativity, effort, and organization (overall presentation: how well is the paper written and how well is it structured).