See instructions that are attached

Advanced Honors American History I

Unit 1 Writing Assignment Due date: Sept 17th, 11:59 pm

See question # 1 below and create a 3 page essay for that question.  Be sure to address each part of the question, fully explaining your answer in your response.    

Standard formatting: 1 inch margins, 12 font—Times New Roman or Comic Sans, double spaced, citations using Chicago Manual Style format.

Please underline your thesis statement.

  1. Compare and contrast the three world societies that converged in the early settlement of America (European, American, African), and discuss the values/lifestyles each society came from and how those societies meshed in the Americas.

Your essays will be graded on the following criteria for 50 summative points


Scored Items

Superior,done thoroughly

There most of the time

There some of the time

Not there

Introduction: paper begins in a way that captures the reader’s attention

Thesis:  paper has a clearly stated purpose pertaining to the question asked

Transitions:  each paragraph leads to the next with a transitional thought 

Topic Sentence: each paragraph has a topic sentence

Coherent Paragraphs:  all sentences in a paragraph deal with the topic

Well Organized:  the information is organized in a logical way that supports the thesis

Adequate Information:  enough information to support the thesis and is historically accurate

Appropriate Citations:  information from other sources is cited correctly

Conclusion:  the conclusion restates the thesis and summarizes the point of the paper

Free of spelling,grammar, and punctuation errors

Answered the question asked

Neat, legible, standard formats

Turned in on time


