I need Questions answer for the play Midsummer nights dream. I need someone whos read the play


In every piece of art, whether written or spoken, the author seeks to pass information to the society. The message varies with the stylistic features and thematic concerns the writer uses. It is through this that the readers or audience get into the world of the author. Therefore, Shakespearean comedy's theories and unique characteristics in the “A Midnight Summer Night’s Dream” are considered in different ways.

One of the most distinct theories is love. Just like in comedy, people express love in different ways and to specific individuals. However, not all respond equally to affection. For example, Demetrius loves Hermia, who is in love with Lysander. Shakespeare also portrays surprise in his comedy. Through the characters, unexpected scenarios emerge and this connects well to our everyday lives. When one plans to do something, unexpected things mostly occur, bringing one back to reality.

Cruelty is another theory that unfolds in the play. Life does not treat people the way they expect. To a great extent, the characters show a true picture of life. The good thing is that in the end, everything calms down. For example, Oberon reinstates happiness in the play. The features Shakespeare uses are unique. He creates disorder to introduce anxiety and capture the attention of the readers. The confusion and disruption make comedy and life enjoyable. He also employs an identity disguise to diversify the characters in his work.

The playwright also puts barriers in the love life of his characters to heighten suspense and anxiety. After putting the blocks in the lives of the characters, eventually, the three couples get married. He also creates a “little paradise” where his characters retreat into from the hustles and bustles of real life. In conclusion, the “little paradise” appears to me as the most unusual comic mode aspect. Going away temporarily from reality and then coming back seems challenging but a significant feature.