the details are included in the document, no reference needed, the answers must be original completely.

Part 1 (280 words)

Read a text from excerpted responses from the Daily Telegraph’s 1888 newspaper query: Is Marriage a failure” (would be attached in file), and image that you as a Victorian citizen want to respond to the question, but what you have to do in the forms of a “tweet” (as if this was a twitter thread, rather than a newspaper query), compose a 280 character “tweet” in which you express your perspective from the point of view of a Victorian Citizen. Feel free to use hashtags as well. (Remember that you are not writing from your 20th Century viewpoint/perspective, but rather as if you were a Victorian. However, this does not mean that you should work to buy into Victorian biases or prejudices. Instead, the exercise should allow us to, in a way, time travel back to the Victorian era and this particular cultural moment to understand its historical and literary significance)

(Part 2-4, needs 350-500 words totally)

Part 2

After Responding to the questions posed in the "Mapping the Woman Question" page and watching the accompanying video (the link would be attached at the end of this part) on you own (as requested during the video lecture): Create a map that outlines the various debates taking place about women's place in society in the Victorian era, highlighting  the central issues, key debates, and topics being discussed and the arguments being made about the. You may choose to organize your map by perspective (i.e. those critical of women's rights/those fighting for it) or you may divide by sub-issues (as I have in the spark page and video) and then explore the various sides and nuances of the argument)--or you can do something entirely different. The map can be visual or text-based, and it can typed/electronically created or you can hand draw a map and submit a picture. However, it must be readable. 

After you mapped out this conversation and context, craft a short response reflecting on what you learned about gender in the nineteenth-century and the how the issues that make up the "woman question" were discussed and debated? Consider our central question in responding to this: How are issues that make up "the Woman Question" discussed in this week's reading? Who is discussing them? Why might that be important?

Relevant link:

Part 3

  1. Watch the “Gender in the Nineteenth Century Context video” (the link would be provided at the end of this part). What are two takeaways from the video and one question you have about this topic based on that viewing?


  1. Read and explore the “Gender Roles in the 19th Century” (would be provided later), which included links to contextual artifacts, answer the following two questions: 1) Reflect on how this helped you understand the relevant issues? 2) select one of the artifacts you found particularly interesting and tell why.


Part 4

Use one or two sentence to show what you learned about marriage in the Victorian era and “the woman question” based on the part 1 “Tweet activity” you answered.