Case Analysis 1: Job Survey 1. Develop three items for a job-satisfaction survey. Write three stem items (either a question or a statement) that ask about some feature job satisfaction (e.g., how mu

Case Analysis 1: Job Survey

1. Develop three items for a job-satisfaction survey. Write three stem items (either a question or a statement) that ask about some feature job satisfaction (e.g., how much does the employee enjoy the job or is happy with the work). Write a common set of response options to be used for each stem. Example: I am satisfied with my pay level: 1 = strongly disagree, 3= neutral, 5 = strongly agree.

2. Suppose your three items are embedded in a larger survey of clerical jobs at a large corporation (10,000 + workers). Below is a data set for ten workers from a hypothetical survey:

Job Survey Data

Employee Job Tenure Skill Level Job Satisfaction

(years) (levels 1 –10) (1-5 rating)

1 1 2 1

2 2 1 2

3 3 2 2

4 4 1 3

5 5 3 3

6 7 4 3

7 6 5 3

8 9 8 4

9 8 9 4

10 10 9 5

Mean ____ ____ ___

Calculate the mean (average) for Job Tenure, Skill Level, and Job Satisfaction.

3. Plot the Frequency distribution for Job Satisfaction. What is the general shape of the distribution? Case Analysis 1: Job Survey   1. Develop three items for a job-satisfaction survey. Write three stem items (either a question or a statement) that ask about some feature job satisfaction (e.g., how mu 1

What is the modal value? What is the median?

4. Plot the scatterplot showing the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Tenure. Is the relationship positive or negative?

5. Draw the regression line using the formula: Y’ = 1 + .3X. If a person has seven years of Job Tenure, what is the predicted level of Job Satisfaction?

Case Analysis 1: Job Survey   1. Develop three items for a job-satisfaction survey. Write three stem items (either a question or a statement) that ask about some feature job satisfaction (e.g., how mu 2