Personal Nursing Philosophy, Part 2 As you finish this course, your philosophy of nursing has probably changed. As a final review, polish your philosophy of nursing based on your newly acquired knowle

Nursing Philosophy


Nurs 500 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

West Coast University, Ontario.

Nursing Philosophy

Nursing philosophy involves a person’s beliefs, values, and principles that guide his or her nursing practice. My nursing philosophy is to provide a holistic and culturally sensitive health care to my patients and their family members. As a nurse, I believe that I have a commitment toward continuous learning through work experience and formal education. My nursing philosophy is anchored on the four meta-paradigms of nursing, which include: individual, milieu, health, and nursing practice. In addition to the four meta-paradigms of nursing, I believe in continued learning.

My Nursing Meta-Paradigm


People are fields of energy with unique personal life experiences. When synergistic parts work together, they accomplish more than they could alone. According to McEwen and Wills (2014), human beings are holistic, unique, dynamic, and multi-dimensional. They are capable of creativity, self responsibility, and abstract reasoning. Hence, language, caring, and empathy are important aspects for human beings. I believe that nurses must value and respect their patients. They must understand that human beings have a right to make informed decisions regarding their health.


I believe that environment is the landscape of people’s social experience. It is the setting of experiences because a person’s day to day life is characterized by variations in time and quality. This region or areas consists of personal, national, and social aspects. McEwen and Wills (2014) indicate that environment also comprises of societal beliefs, norms, customs, expectations, and values. Personally, I consider environment as an arena in which patients encounter caring relationship and aesthetic beauty of healthcare. A nurse must take into account physical, psychosocial, developmental, and cultural dimensions that may impact quality of healthcare.


For me, health is a synthesis of sickness and wellness and depends on a patient’s perception across lifespan. This interpretation’s focal point is on the patient looked as a whole, in physical, aesthetic, and psychological as well as social paradigms, in a holistic manner. Wellness refers to life experiences of congruence between an individual’s possibilities and realities. Hence, wellness is anchored on feeling of being cared for and caring. Illness associates to experiences of loss that can be amended through caring relationships. A person’s approach to stress as well as coping techniques is inherent in his or her health. Also, the degree of health depends on relationship between people and environment.


Nursing plays a key role in guiding and advancing nursing practice. Nursing practice requires innovative use of therapeutic and holistic nursing interventions. Bender (2018) posits that nurses use critical judgments as well as critical thinking in order to deliver evidence based care to patients, families, and society in order to attain optimal level of patient wellness in diverse nursing contexts. Therefore, critical thinking skills and clinical judgment skills are crucial for nursing practice.


I believe that nurses must strive for advanced degree in nursing. The objective of advanced degree in nursing is to prepare learners for advanced nursing practice. The program offers learners with numerous opportunities including further development in areas of clinical decision making, leadership, and critical thinking as well as scientific inquiry as they important to health of individuals, families, and communities.


Bender, M. (2018). Reconceptualizing the nursing metaparadigm: Articulating the philosophical ontology of the nursing discipline that orients inquiry and practice. Nursing Inquiry25(3), e12243.

McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.