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To: CEO and Board of Directors

From: Manager of Operations

Subject: Working Conditions of Overseas Contractor

Recently, it was been uncovered that one of our major overseas contractors and major suppliers of our company is utilizing poor working conditions for their employees including, but not limited to, child labor, low wages paid, long work hours, and no benefits. These actions are not in line with the core tenants of our company, and could negatively reflect on our company should we continue use such a supplier.

At our business, we pride ourselves on employee fairness and voice, as well as fostering a workplace which makes all employees feel safe and appreciated. To our employees and consumers, it would appear that what is happening at our supplier is the exact opposite of what we stand for as a business.

Before taking definitive action, it is important that we visit the worksites of our overseas supplier to assess the situation. If it is determined that the climate of our supplier is truly against what we as a company stand for, we will need to terminate our contract and find a new supplier. Alternatively, after assessing the situation if we find that the working conditions are within the legal limits of the local government and something that we as a company can stand for, we will need to work to craft an external communication which can be shared with the public before news breaks. In doing so, we can protect our company and show that we have taken the appropriate measures to keep business running in a legal and moral manner.

Thank you,

Caroline Caruso

Manager of Operations


To: Executive Team

From: Manager of Operations

Subject: Working Conditions of Overseas Contractor

It has recently come to my attention that one of our overseas contractors is not providing adequate working conditions for our employees. There have been several reports of poor working conditions by numerous employees. Some of these complaints include: the use of child labor, low wages, long working hours, no benefits provided, and more. All of which I find to be unacceptable.

Here at our company, we have prided ourselves on being a reputable company that treats employees with respect regardless of their location. I feel it reflects very poorly on our company as a whole if we allow these poor working conditions to continue. It would be in our company’s best interest if we advise this contractor on our working standards and insist that he improves immediately. We will need to continue to monitor the situation. It would also be beneficial to interview employees at this location to ensure their needs are being properly met and they feel comfortable and safe in their work environment. If conditions do not improve drastically, we will need to cut ties with this contractor right away.

Like I said, it is very important to our company that we continue to treat our employees with respect. We want all employees to not only feel safe, and valued, but also proud to work for our company.

If you have any questions or would like to further discuss, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.

Jeanelle Frank

Manager of Operations