Course Project: Final Paper Assignment Instructions Paper Components: The body of your Final Paper must be 3,000–3,500 words; include title, abstract, and reference pages; use current APA format; a

EDUC 701

Course Project: Final Paper Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not Present

Title Page and Abstract

10 points

A title page is present and provides clarity to the purpose of the paper. An effective summation of overall arguments contained in the paper body is provided by the abstract. Word count (100–120 words) is met.

8 to 9 points

A title page is present but lacks clarity to the purpose of the paper. The Abstract exists but does not provide an effective summation of overall arguments contained in the paper body. Minimum of 100 words is met.

1 to 7 points

A title page is missing. The Abstract is vague and does not convey a personal philosophy of education. The 100-word minimum is not met.

0 points

Not present

Body – Introduction/ Thesis Statement

10 points

Introduction is well-constructed and presents a clear explanation of the problem, conveys a good argument of why the problem is good to research, concludes with the research question, and is strongly aligned with the title and body of the paper.

8 to 9 points

A somewhat clear presentation of the problem is present, an argument why the problem is good to research is conveyed, and the title and body of the paper aligns with it.

1 to 8 points

The problem is poorly introduced, vaguely stated, or does not align with the title and/or body of the paper.

0 points

Not present

Body – Literature Review and Learning Theory or Theories

37 to 40 points

Literature synthesizes references to support the topic. Learning theories are introduced as well as foundational people and their works. Theoretical frameworks are presented coherently and lay a foundation for the overall learning theory education.

34 to 36 points

Literature review somewhat synthesizes the references to support the topic. Learning theories are somewhat introduced. Theoretical frameworks are mostly presented and lay a foundation for the overall learning theory education.

1 to 33 points

Literature review poorly synthesizes the references that support the topic. Learning theories are poorly introduced and explained. Theoretical frameworks are not presented.

0 points

Not present

Body – Key Terms

18 to 20 points

Key terms are well defined, and definitions are supported by authoritative sources.

17 points

Key terms are defined, and most definitions are supported by authoritative sources.

1 to 16 points

Key terms are adequately defined, and most definitions are not supported by an authoritative source.

0 points

Not present

Body – Gaps in Literature

18 to 20 points

Gaps in the literature are thoroughly identified and described by careful analysis of content.

17 points

Gaps in the literature are somewhat identified and described by careful analysis of content.

1 to 16 points

Gaps in the literature are not present or are inadequately described.

0 points

Not present

Body – Biblical Worldview

18 to 20 points

A biblical worldview perspective is clearly articulated and is supported by appropriate Scripture references, course requirements, and application.

17 points

A biblical worldview perspective is articulated but is not supported by Scripture, or is not appropriate, and somewhat applies to course requirements and application.

1 to 16 points

A biblical worldview perspective is poorly articulated and is not supported by Scripture, or is not appropriate, and does not apply to course requirements and application.

0 points

Not present

Body – Conclusion

10 points

The conclusion is well written and provides a summation of the paper. Word count (250 words) is met.

8 to 9 points

The conclusion somewhat summarizes the entire paper. The 250-word count is met.

1 to 7 points

The conclusion poorly summarizes the paper. The 250-word count is not met.

0 points

Not present

Body- Composition and Critical Thinking – Composition

5 points

The paper is exceptionally coherent and cohesive. Sentence and paragraph structures are of high quality.

4 points

The paper is acceptably coherent and cohesive. Sentence and paragraph structures are of acceptable quality.

1 to 3 points

The paper is lacking in coherence and cohesion. Sentence and paragraph structures are of low quality.

0 points

Not present

Body- Composition and Critical Thinking – Critical Thinking

5 points

All of the following qualities are present: claims are supported by evidence, claims of others are critically evaluated, and other interpretations are seriously considered/engaged.

4 points

Most of the following qualities are present: claims are supported by evidence, claims of others are critically evaluated, and other interpretations are seriously considered/engaged.

1 to 3 points

Few of the following qualities are present: claims are supported by evidence, claims of others are critically evaluated, and other interpretations are seriously considered/engaged.

0 points

Not present

Structure 30%




Not Present

Body – Mechanics

18 to 20 points

No errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation are present. Word count is met (3,000–3,500 words).

17 points

Fewer than 4 errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation are present. Word count does not quite meet the requirement.

1 to 16 points

More than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation are present. Word count does not meet the requirement.

0 points

Not present

Information Literacy/Current APA – Citation Format

10 points

All formatting and citations are in-text and are correctly formatted using current APA style guidelines.

8 to 9 points

Fewer than 4 instances of formatting and incorrect citations according to current APA style guidelines are present.

1 to 7 points

Five or more instances of formatting and incorrect citations according to current APA style guidelines are present.

0 points

Not present

Information Literacy/Current APA – Source Appropriateness

10 points

Exceptional understanding of the existing body of knowledge on the topic is evident. Appropriately compares personal ideas to those of experts in the field.

8 to 9 points

Basic understanding of the existing body of knowledge on the topic is evident. Personal ideas are compared to those of experts in the field.

1 to 7 points

Weak or poor understanding of the existing body of knowledge on the topic is evident. Personal ideas are inappropriately compared or fail to be compared to those of experts in the field.

0 points

Not present

Information Literacy/Current APA – Reference Appropriateness

10 points

At least 10 references are listed from legitimate sources in the field of educational theory, philosophy, or research. At least 6 of those references are scholarly journal articles. All of the following are represented: books, academic journasl, and online sources.

8 to 9 points

Nine references are listed from legitimate sources in the field of educational theory, philosophy, or research. Less than 6 of those references are scholarly journal articles. At least 2 of the following are represented: books, academic journals, and online sources.

1 to 7 points

Fewer than 8 references are listed and/or are from questionable sources in the field of educational theory, philosophy, or research. Less than 5 of those references are scholarly journal articles. One or none of the following are represented: books, academic journasl, online sources.

0 points

Not present

Information Literacy/Current APA – Reference Format

10 points

Bibliographic references are correctly formatted using current APA style guidelines.

8 to 9 points

There are fewer than 4 instances of incorrect bibliographic references according to current APA style guidelines.

1 to 7 points

There are 5 or more instances of incorrect bibliographic references according to current APA style guidelines.

0 points

Not present

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