Course Project: Final Paper Assignment Instructions Paper Components: The body of your Final Paper must be 3,000–3,500 words; include title, abstract, and reference pages; use current APA format; a

Course Project: Research and Question Outline

Kelly-Ann Riddell

Liberty University

EDUC 701 B13

Dr. Black

September 13, 2020

Research Question and Outline

I. Introduction

A. Slow learners are often less attended to in learning institutions.

1. I will explore the challenges that slow learners face in normal educational environments.

2. I will examine interventions at policy and educational levels that can be employed to address these problems.

B. Importance of the problem.

1. I will analyze the importance of this problem to educators, parents, and the students themselves.

2. I will also assess how identifying these problems can enable educators to efficaciously determine students’ learning needs.

C. Research question (Place the research question at the end of the introduction).

1. I will address the following question:

“What are the challenges that slow learners face and how can they be addressed?”

II. Literature Review

A. Who are slow learners?

1. I will identify a body of literature that defines who slow learners are.

2. I will provide related studies on the characteristics of slow learners.

B. Teachers and students’ challenges

1. I will identify recent studies that focus on the challenges that teachers have when providing instructions to slow learners.

2. I will provide related research studies the challenges that the slow learners face.

C. Practices, Procedures, and Policies Leading to the Problem

1. I will examine recent related studies that investigate the policy issues that have contributed to the problem

2. I will explore the studies conducted to address such problems.

III. Learning Theory Association

A. Student-centered learning

1. I will address the impacts of student-centered approach to instructions on

learning outcomes of slow learners.

B. Constructivism

1. I will link the constructivism-based learning with the outcomes among slow-


IV. Definitions (I will make a list of definitions with citations)

` 1. Slow learning

2. Instructional strategies to address slow learning

3. Educators’ challenges

V. Gaps in the research

A. I will identify both the policy and research gaps and determine the potential steps that can be taken to fill them using the current and future studies.

VI. Methodology

  1. I will identify the main research methods that will be used to not only gather data but also perform analysis.

  1. I will identify the study’s research design and method.

  2. I will determine the sampling procedure to be used.

  3. I will identify the data collection and analysis methods.

VII. Conclusion

  1. I will complete my research process by providing a summary of my investigations,

findings, and their implications for current and future practice within the educational sector.