Course Project: Final Paper Assignment Instructions Paper Components: The body of your Final Paper must be 3,000–3,500 words; include title, abstract, and reference pages; use current APA format; a

Running head: SLOW LEARNERS

Annotated Bibliography 3

Kelly-Ann Riddell

Liberty University

EDU 701 B13

Dr. Black

September 30, 2020

Annotated Bibliography 3

Khaira, U., & Herman, T. (2020). Assessment processes for slow learners in mathematics learning. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1521, p. 032097).

Mathematics is a subject that requires the learner to connect the concepts and apply them in a cognitive manner to solve problems. These problems can be everyday or mathematical problems. According to this journal, (Khaira & Herman, 2020), slow learners require more attention from their teachers as well as a longer time to study. Therefore, teachers are required to treat slow learners with more special attention than the other students as this will ensure that they are well equipped to perform well in the subject. Educational assessment is comprised of the learning ability of the individual, the personal attitude towards the subject, and their personality. All these aspects need to be aligned in a positive manner in order to achieve success in mathematics. Assessments on all students is required, and teachers are required to include slow learners in this process. However, the articles reveal that slow learning students are often left behind during course work because the teachers are focused on completing the syllabus within a fixed timeframe. This fast pace makes it harder for slow learners to follow through the coursework. Since slow learners are unable to keep up with the pace of normal learning, they require specific treatments from their teachers including remedial teaching, more one on one attention, and patience.

Parakh, M. (2019). The enormous economic burden of slow learners: A wake up call. Journal of postgraduate medicine, 65(4), 199.

Slow learners require more learning time and materials, and this leads to increased direct and indirect costs. According to Parakh 2019, slow learners have an economic burden which is as a result of extra tuition costs and parental loss of earnings. The results obtained from the study seek to explain the economic cost of including slow learners in the normal student curriculum. The results reveal that slow learners have an effect on the families of the individual, the healthcare facilities, and also the community. The journal reveals that most slow learners are accurately diagnosed when they are 14 years, and this leads to slow treatment. Diagnosing children early will ensure that they get into special education programs at an early age, and their teachers can give them special treatment early enough. Parakh, (2019) explains that about 25% of slow learners also have chronic health disorders that also interfere with their attention spans. The parents of these students find it difficult to maintain both the medical and educational costs. School systems offering special rooms at an affordable rate will help to alleviate the economic burden from the parents as well as ensure that the school system is inclusive. The government allocating funds to specifically aid in creating school systems that aim to reduce the financial burden on parents of slow learners is a positive step towards ensuring educational inclusivity.

Bendak, L. (2018). Effects of applying repeated readings method on reading fluency and passage comprehension of slow learners. World Family Medicine Journal: Incorporating the Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 99(5641), 1-6.

The rate at which slow learners comprehend information is slower and they often have problems with oral learning as well. According to Bendak (2018), repetition leads to a deeper understanding of passages both orally and cognitively. A study was conducted where 20 slow learners were divided into the control group and the experimental group and the students in the experimental group showed a distinctively higher level of fluency and comprehension of words and passages. Repeated learning aims at ensuring that the student has grasped a word and an idea properly and they are able to engage properly. Fluency being one of the goals of reading, providing slow learners with the appropriate books at their development level is key. Repetition of these books makes the student become familiar with similar words in a variety of contexts. With time, the students are able to quickly recognize the words and also able to use and pronounce them appropriately. Bendak (2019) also emphasizes the need for practice in order for students to understand the message of a passage which is the key to success in learning.


In any given classroom, there are students that take a significantly longer time than others to learn basic concepts. They struggle to learn with the same pace as other students and require special time and attention from teachers in order to do so. According to the scholars, slow learners cannot be classified as mentally retarded because they are able to grasp academic information, just on a slower rate than normal. Teachers are required to adopt differentiated instruction through altering their teaching methods, educational sources, and activities in order to accommodate slow learners. The personal characteristics of the student including their cultural background, interests, and talents are used by teachers to create a learning strategy for the specific student. This can be done by the use of games and puzzles. Kaur and Gupta also explain that learning will take place in every human being whether formal education is in the picture or not. However, a special group of students known as slow learners lag behind with their comprehension ability, but they cannot be classified as retarded. Over the years, the state government has not offered any significant help towards these students and the teachers and parents harbor all the responsibility.

Ahmad, S. S., Shaari, M. F., Hashim, R., & Kariminia, S. (2015). Conducive attributes of physical learning environment at preschool level for slow learners. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 201, 110-120.

The physical environment for slow learners is crucial in determining the success in their comprehension rates. Some of the physical conditions to be considered include visual, thermal, and hearing comfort, furnishing designs, and safety measures. According to the Ahmad et al (2015), creating a suitable learning environment for slow learners during their early stages of school leads to success in their decoding of lessons. Example, creating an environment with pictures and computer-generated icons help create an atmosphere that is relaxing and more educational friendly to the students. Slow learners generally learn better with visuals rather than audio. The journal also emphasizes the need for classroom to be curated specifically to meet the needs of their students in a safe, and ethical manner. When designing these learning spaces, spatial learning, comfort, and safety must be considered and researched accordingly. The early detection of slow learning characteristics will ensure that students are treated accordingly to avoid the frustration that comes with slow students learning in the normal pace of others.