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Slow Learners in Education: An Annotated Bibliography

Kelly-Ann Riddell

Liberty University

EDUC 701- B13

Dr. Black

September 13, 2020

Slow Learners in Education: An Annotated Bibliography

Chauhan, S. (2011). Slow learners: their psychology and educational programmes.

International journal of multidisciplinary research, 1(8), 279-289.

In this scholarly article, Chauhan (2011) opines that human resource development should be placed at the center stage of any educator for a growing nation, such as India, which is endowed with human resources. In the country’s educational system, the human resources (teachers) and students are underdeveloped and often register poor performance than their potential capabilities. In particular, the researcher observes that some of the best instructors are not sufficiently equipped to determine and guide the backward students such as slow learners to reach their potentials. As a consequence, the learning institutions in tune are unable to send their commodities into the society as wholly developed students. To ensure that their learning needs are met, the researcher proposes the establishment of a special educational program that assesses and meets the backward learners such as slow learners. Furthermore, the researcher states that the expee4ince of instructors confirms that there are many children who are behind in basic subjects, and as such, require special attention. Such pupils often face limited scope for achievement. Additionally, they possess intelligence quotients that range from 76 to 89 and comprise approximately eighty percent of any school population. However, the researcher notes that they are rarely taken into consideration when developing instructions.

Vasudevan, A. (2017). Slow learners-causes, problems and educational programmes. International Journal of Applied Research, 3(12), 308-313.

An understanding of the problems that slow learners encounter in their classroom environments is important in developing efficacious tools and methods to meet their needs. In this article, Vasudevan (2017) states that those who are commonly regarded as slow learners may not be in dire need of being enrolled in special education programs. On the contrary, they are likely to require extra time and support within the normal classroom environment because they are capable of learning like an average child. According to Vasudevan (2017), slow learners are individuals who acquire knowledge at sluggish pace, which is often lower than the average rate. The potential causes of slow learning may include low intellectual capabilities and individual factors, such as illnesses and high absenteeism rates. Additionally, environmental factors play a major role in slowing down their process of understanding instructional contents. Other contributing factors include cultural issues, poverty, familial inadequacies, as well as parental; disharmony in many instances. While most of such pupils often receive education, they eventually move to regular schooling environments when the backwardness is removed. These children may also display inabilities in areas such as thinking, determining solutions, embracing social relationships, as well as poor development.

Hartini, A., Widyaningtyas, D., & Mashluhah, M. I. (2017). Learning strategies for slow

learners using the project-based learning model in primary school. JPI (Journal

Pendidikan Inklusi)1(1), 29-39.

Many scholars have attempted to examine the strategies that educators can employ to meet the needs of slow learners. Hartini et al. (2017), for example, remark that in the contemporary society, educational rights should be extended to all student groups, including those who cannot easily understand concepts. Education for all can be attained by organizing and putting in place inclusive learning in early childhood education, primary schools, and high school levels. Slow learners are among students with special needs who need special education services in school inclusion. In particular, special education services are required for them to effectively face some learning difficulties such as challenges in understanding abstract concepts, possessing limited vocabulary, low motivation to learn. They are also characterized by inability to understand their desire to ask for more time to understand materials than a normal child of their age groups would. Finally, they often need repetition for them to master easy concepts, especially when they need materials to be explained. One of the issues that should be addressed when dealing with slow learners is encouraging regular teachers to collaborate with the special supervising teacher for selecting, developing, and implementing appropriate learning approaches for them.

Freeman-Suarez, M. D. R., Ramirez Berdut, I., & Ramirez Gueton, P. M. (2017). A

challenge for teachers in class: how to cope with slow learners. The international

Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(2), 58-62.

Teachers encounter many problems as they seek inet5ract with children who have slow learning problems. According to Freeman-Suarez et al. (2017), teaching is a highly demanding task for those who interact with individuals who have learning disabilities. The profession needs expansive imagination for establishing new ways of encouraging students every day, including high level of tolerance in order to effectively facilitate the development of the teaching and learning process. Since there are students with diversities of intelligence in the classroom environments, educators should design motivating strategies that meet learning styles, necessities, aspirations, and cognitive needs of all the learners. As a result, the teacher’s role should be to determine a mixture of approaches that they can use to prepare students to improve their capabilities.

Manichander, T. (2018). Teaching strategies, methods and techniques to enhance learning

among slow learners. Journal of Education and Development, 17.

Teaching slow learners requires persistence, motivation, and inspiration from other educators to attain an overall improvement among learners. According to Manichander (2018) slow learners do not have a disability that can be delegated a symptomatic category. Instead, it is essentially a concept that is commonly employed to describe learners with the capacity to gain all important scholarly capabilities, albeit at a rate and profundity that is beneath that of an ordinary student. Therefore, the main challenge that a teacher encounters is comprehend the student’s interest areas and put in place a teaching plan to cover syllabus in a specific timeframe. Educators should, for example, avoid the use of one-size-fits-all approaches to teaching. Instead, they should utilize custom-made models that meet all the distinct needs of all learners according to their level of capabilities. The use of teacher-centered approaches also limits students from having sufficient opportunities to actively participate and become engaged. The challenge with one-size-fits-all approaches is that not all learners can easily familiarize themselves to such inflexible styles of knowledge acquisition. As a result, they may become inattentive over time.