Healthcare Information Systems Management (HCAD4352), write a term paper. Your paper should be a literature review report of 10 text pages in length, plus whatever the diagrams and appendices you fee

Introduction: Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It allows long-distance patient and clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, and remote admissions. Examples of telehealth includes health education services, remote monitoring of vital signs, ECG or blood pressure and remote doctor-patient consultations (telemedicine). Telehealth technology enables the remote diagnoses and evaluation of patients in addition to the ability to remote detection of fluctuations in the medical condition of the patient at home so that the medications or the specific therapy can be altered accordingly. It also allows for e-prescribe medications and remotely prescribed treatments.

Audience: There are patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, and obstructive pulmonary diseases.

Topics to Investigate: The topics I will be investigating are the advantages of using telehealth during this pandemic and the types of services offered through telehealth.

Methods of Research: To further research my topic, I plan to use the University’s library database as well as various websites on the internet. I also plan on looking at reviews of patients that has used telehealth services.

Conclusion: Telehealth’s existence can be dated from the 1960’s with one of the earliest applications being the monitoring of the physiological parameters of astronauts. Over the years, thanks to technological advancement, there has been a number of technological and communications tools that have been implemented to enable the transfer of patient’s information for recommendations and consultations across almost every medical environment and specialty.