Choose a norm and deviate from it.

Choose a widely accepted norm and deviate from it.  For example, you might wear very non-normative clothes to class or dinner. You might eat your meal in front of people while standing or while singing.  You might greet people or return others’ greetings in a very unusual way.  You might argue a point with other people who all disagree with your point.  

***Given the current climate we are in, do not carry out this social experiment in public.  As long as you are able to interact with other people, it is possible to do this social experiment from the comfort of your own home.  For example, you could deviate from an accepted norm via Zoom or over FaceTime.  You could deviate from an accepted norm in front of your family.   Try to be creative, but be sure to do this in a way that is safe and that won’t get you into trouble (for example, breaking a law, or saying hateful or prejudiced things would definitely be a bad idea).

If it is too difficult to come up with a norm to deviate, you may recall a time you deviated from an accepted norm and answer the following questions based on that. 

  1. Describe the norm and how you plan to violate the norm. (2pts.)

  1. Just BEFORE you violate the norm, record your thoughts about your expectations and emotions.  (1pt.)

  1. As soon as you can AFTER you have violated the norm, record how you felt as you were doing it and soon after.  (1pt.)

  1. What were other people’s reactions?  (1pt).

  1. Did you feel a great pressure to stop doing what you were doing, or did it feel fun and liberating? Why do you think you felt this way?  (2pts.)

6.  What did you learn about conformity after doing this experiment?  (1pt.)