What to Study: Issues and Trends in Professional Nursing Review National Patient Safety Goals 2020 (*homecare, ambulatory, behavioral, hospital) https://www.jointcommission.org/en/standards/national

Question 1 (1 point)



The four ethical principles of beneficence, autonomy, justice, and nonmaleficence are essential in caring for humans as well as research. Which of the following statements combines both beneficence and nonmaleficence?

Question 1 options:

a) Nurses are obligated to work for the benefit of those who are treated unfairly

b) It is unethical to waste resources that could be used for good

c) Each action must produce more good than harm

d) Provide honesty in dealings with others and keep promises

Question 2 (1 point)



Which of the following is NOT a reason research is important to the profession?

Question 2 options:

a) Research assists nurses to advance the nursing profession

b) Research assists nurses to stay updated and current

c) Research assists nurses to gain power in their field

d) Research assists nurses to offer the best possible patient care

Question 3 (1 point)



When selecting teaching materials for a community education project, the nurse should consider the below related to the target audience?

Question 3 options:

a) Age

b) Primary spoken language

c) Presentation site

d) All of the above

Question 4 (1 point)



The best physical activity for the middle-age to older-adult has been reported as?

Question 4 options:

a) Multicomponent

b) Muscle-strengthening

c) Aerobic

d) Balance

Question 5 (1 point)



A PICOT format is the manner in which Evidence-based practice questions are developed. The 'T' in this format refers to which of the below?

Question 5 options:

a) Top interest

b) Time frame

c) Trending comparisons

d) Tier of evidence

Question 6 (1 point)



A nurse who uses focus group discussions and one-on-one interviews to collect data is utilizing which type of research?

Question 6 options:





Question 7 (1 point)



Workplace violence is part of the nursing profession and includes all of the following EXCEPT

Question 7 options:

a) Intimidation to overpower another staff member

b) Harassment of new employees

c) Physically and verbally aggressive patients

d) Rude behavior by a staff after a bad day

Question 8 (1 point)



Medical cannabis has several common routes of administration which include the following EXCEPT

Question 8 options:

a) Inhalation

b) Oral

c) Topical

d) Injection

Question 9 (1 point)



Which of the following integrates Parse's Theory of Human Becoming in the workplace?

Question 9 options:

a) Changing soiled bed linens

b) Expecting nurses to develop skill and understanding of patient care over time through a combination of education and experience

c) Developing a relationship with a patient and awareness of the patient's feelings in an effort to promote healing

d) Guiding the patient through their own perception of events

Question 10 (1 point)



Physical labor, work hours, staffing issues can all contribute to which of the following in nursing?

Question 10 options:

a) Increased collaboration

b) Higher pay

c) Role strain and stress

d) Increased knowledge and skill

Question 11 (1 point)



Autonomy is a concept that many nursing theories revolve around, what would be a problematic issue in the nursing field related to striving to offer patients autonomy?

Question 11 options:

a) An imbalance of responsibility resulting in over imposition on the patient

b) Patients make decisions and choices for their care

c) The nurse gathers knowledge and insight from the patient prior to developing a plan of care

d) The patient is seen as the architect of their own lives

Question 12 (1 point)



Which is the ethical principle that guides healthcare practices on the importance of doing good on behalf of patients?

Question 12 options:

a) Autonomy

b) Nonmaleficence

c) Justice

d) Beneficence

Question 13 (1 point)



In public health nursing, collaborative partnerships are essential. Which item below describes the essence of this process?

Question 13 options:

a) Letting only experts complete planning phases

b) An alliance of individuals and organizations

c) Organizations having their own purpose

d) Focusing on the individual

Question 14 (1 point)



Which of the following is true related to a pandemic and an epidemic?

Question 14 options:

a) In both an epidemic and pandemic, the disease always spreads world-wide

b) An epidemic is typically confined to a certain locality, where pandemic spreads worldwide

c) In both an epidemic and pandemic, most people are unaware it is happening

d) Patients with underlying health issues only need to be concerned with a pandemic

Question 15 (1 point)



Barriers to evidence-based practice often include resistance to change. Which of the following can best assist in overcoming this barrier?

Question 15 options:

a) Building a culture that supports inquiry towards evidence-based practice

b) Requiring staff to accept the change

c) Setting a time-frame for making the change

d) Discussing at length the change until it is accepted

Question 16 (1 point)



A nurse leader who uses the threat of punishment to persuade employees to act a certain way, is using which type of power?

Question 16 options:

a) Referent

b) Authority

c) Expert

d) Coercive

Question 17 (1 point)



Which of the following is NOT a related theory of Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory?

Question 17 options:

a) Theory of Self-Care

b) Theory of Self-Care Deficit

c) Theory of Nursing Systems

d) Theory of Interpersonal Relations

Question 18 (1 point)



A nurse who pulls a curtain closed, holds the gown together in the back, drapes their patient during bath time, and takes more time with the elderly is working through nursing theories that uphold which of the below?

Question 18 options:

a) Human dignity

b) Integrity

c) Autonomy

d) Legal acts

Question 19 (1 point)



Which of the following is an example of social determinants of health?

Question 19 options:

a) Biology and genetic makeup

b) Access for disabilities at the work site

c) Exposure to emerging media technology

d) Building and home structure

Question 20 (1 point)



Physical health and mental health are correlated, especially with

Question 20 options:

a) the association with chronic conditions

b) the association with accidents

c) the association with acute ailments

d) the association with spiritual health

Question 21 (1 point)



There is a clear difference between clinical and public health. Which of the following describes public health focus?

Question 21 options:

a) Focuses on diagnosis and treatment

b) Focuses on abnormal versus normal

c) Focuses on curing disease

d) Focuses on risk factors and prevention

Question 22 (1 point)



Which is a nursing assessment related to the whole person in body, mind, and spirit?

Question 22 options:

a) Comprehensive

b) Holistic

c) Focused

d) Abbreviated

Question 23 (1 point)



Which is a reason new infectious diseases are a global health concern for nurses and healthcare workers?

Question 23 options:

a) Low availability of vaccines

b) Cost of detecting new agents

c) Poverty in inner cities

d) International travel and trade

Question 24 (1 point)



Mental health nursing encompasses all aspects of nursing. A major issue for patients suffering from mental illness is

Question 24 options:

a) A longer lifespan

b) Too many diagnoses associated with mental illness

c) The stigma association with mental illness

d) No future in psychiatry

Question 25 (1 point)



Which of the following is an example of King's social system?

Question 25 options:

a) Having a positive nurse-patient dialogue

b) Growth and development in the individual

c) Being a member of a community organization

d) All of the above

Question 26 (1 point)



A nurse who enacts evidence-based practice into the work environment, understands this process always includes the best evidence in the literature, nursing expertise, and which of the following?

Question 26 options:

a) A scientific research project

b) Preferences and values of patients

c) Current trends in nursing

d) A random idea

Question 27 (1 point)



Role stress and strain among nurses can lead to a variety of issues and problems. One major concern is

Question 27 options:

a) The impact on new staff

b) Quality of patient care

c) Financial impact

d) Under staffing

Question 28 (1 point)



The Minnesota Intervention Wheel, a public health nursing tool, includes what three levels of public health practice focus?

Question 28 options:

a) Emergency rooms, Clinic, Hospital

b) Community, Systems, Individual/Family

c) Homecare, Community, Emergency care

d) Hospitals, Systems, Homecare

Question 29 (1 point)



A nurse who wants to become more culturally competent understands

Question 29 options:

a) Culture extends beyond race

b) Cultural awareness is only about the patient

c) Stereotyping is necessary for proper care

d) Self-identity and analysis are only helpful if the patient is of a different culture

Question 30 (1 point)



Shingles is a growing concern in the older adult population. Which vaccine is offered to adults to combat this illness?

Question 30 options:

a) RZV

b) HPV

c) PVC

d) VAR

Question 31 (1 point)



A community assessment includes both data generation and data gathering. Examples of data generation activities include

Question 31 options:

a) Windshield survey

b) Researching demographics

c) Contacting agencies for facts and data

d) Internet search

Question 32 (1 point)



Which of the below acts in accordance with tertiary prevention?

Question 32 options:

a) Assisting individuals to manage long-term health issues and preserve as much function and quality of life as possible

b) Reduce the impact of a disease or injury through regular screening and exams

c) Stopping unhealthy or unsafe actions that could lead to disease or injury

d) Implement a program focused on the individual's health and function to prevent long-term problems

Question 33 (1 point)



A nurse who is communicating in an assertive manner….

Question 33 options:

a) is not violating the rights of others

b) forces their wishes and ideas onto others

c) remains silent on important issues

d) uses a loud voice to get their message across

Question 34 (1 point)



Adults over the age of 65 are still at risk for infectious disease. All of the following are correct vaccines for this age group EXCEPT

Question 34 options:

a) PCV13 1xdose

b) HPV annually

c) Influenza annually

d) Tetanus booster every 10 years

Question 35 (1 point)



Which is the best resource to check for roles of the RN and delegation practices?

Question 35 options:

a) American Nurse Association

b) National League for Nurses

c) State Board of Nursing

d) Board of Nursing Registry

Question 36 (1 point)



In order to prioritize, a public health nurse who completes a community education project must complete an analysis of the collected data to accomplish the following

Question 36 options:

a) Identify health themes or trends in the population

b) Identify existing interventions focused on the issue

c) Both A and B

d) None of the above

Question 37 (1 point)



Evidence-based practice implementation is the responsibility of:

Question 37 options:

a) Graduate level nurses

b) Other disciplines

c) Administrators

d) All of the above

Question 38 (1 point)



Telehealth can be conducted in a variety of settings, including:

Question 38 options:

a) Home

b) Clinic

c) Prisons

d) All of the above

Question 39 (1 point)



Erikson developed 8 psychosocial conflicts people navigate through over a life-span. The final stage of Ego Integrity vs Despair is about finding?

Question 39 options:

a) Love

b) Hope

c) Wisdom

d) Purpose

Question 40 (1 point)



Nightingale's theory key concepts revolve around environmental factors with putting the patient in the best situation so they can heal, which theory below best aligns with Nightingale?

Question 40 options:

a) King's Open Systems Theory

b) Abdellah's Practice Model of Nursing

c) Watson's Theory of human caring

d) Peplau's Interpersonal relations

Question 41 (1 point)



Which of the following shows a person with high Emotional Intelligence?

Question 41 options:

a) Stays calm and clear-headed during conflict

b) Acknowledges others perceptions

c) Welcomes constructive criticism

d) All of the above

Question 42 (1 point)



A nurse who uses Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory in the care of a patient to promote physical wellbeing before psychosocial wellbeing is utilizing which type of theory in the care?

Question 42 options:

a) Borrowed theories

b) Grand theories

c) Middle range theories

d) Practice theories

Question 43 (1 point)



Which is the true statement regarding the criteria for prioritizing the needs of a population?

Question 43 options:

a) Small and large problems are of equal importance

b) Stronger populations take priority

c) Community's capacity and willingness is of little concern

d) It is significant if it is a root cause of other issues

Question 44 (1 point)



Which is an example of the element of professional negligence concerning "The injury was directly caused by the breach of a standard of care"?

Question 44 options:

a) Nurse missed antibiotic dose and the patient fell getting out of bed

b) Nurse instructs patient to stay in bed, patient falls getting out of bed and breaks a leg

c) Nurse not following her state practice act

d) Nurse missed a dose of antibiotic and set back healing of patient's infection

Question 45 (1 point)



Which of the following related to types of power in an organization do nurses hold most often?

Question 45 options:

a) Authority and expert

b) Reward and coercion

c) Expert and reward

d) Coercion and authority

Question 46 (1 point)



What is NOT a correct statement regarding ethics in research?

Question 46 options:

a) Simple human surveys do not require an Institutional Review Board (IRB) review

b) Subjects can withdraw at any point in a study

c) Vulnerable populations are treated with special care in research

d) Confidentiality is a key action in all research

Question 47 (1 point)



Upholding integrity is an important concept throughout nursing theories. All of the following are examples of breaking integrity EXCEPT

Question 47 options:

a) Covering up a medication mistake

b) Fabricating job skills on a resume

c) Charting a late entry with identifying it as late

d) Taking overstock of supplies for a sick family member

Question 48 (1 point)



All of the below are effective strategies to engage others in Evidence-based practice change EXCEPT?

Question 48 options:

a) Using experts to increase knowledge of Evidence-based practice

b) Continuing on with satisfying practice and outcomes

c) Reminding staff optimal care is their obligation

d) Sharing evidence to support change proposals

Question 49 (1 point)



Which is a TRUE statement related to negligence and malpractice?

Question 49 options:

a) Only one revolves around actions or lack of action by the nurse leading to the injury or death of a patient

b) Both have knowledge that the action or lack of action will cause harm, yet the nurse still provides substandard care

c) Only one can result in a lawsuit against the nurse

d) Both require action or lack of action by the nurse leading to the injury or death of a patient

Question 50 (1 point)



As telehealth services become more widespread, an aspect related to this type of care includes

Question 50 options:

a) Is an out of pocket expense

b) Is only set up to assist the elderly population

c) Uses video conferencing to reach those unable to get to providers

d) Costs more than in-person care

Question 51 (1 point)



Which is the ethical principle that guides healthcare practices on the importance of do no harm?

Question 51 options:

a) Autonomy

b) Nonmaleficence

c) Justice

d) Beneficence

Question 52 (1 point)



Nurses have a duty to care for patients without causing harm. Which of the following civil law could be broke with a breach in confidentiality?

Question 52 options:

a) Quasi-Intentional Tort

b) Felony

c) Malpractice

d) Misdemeanor

Question 53 (1 point)



To safeguard against workplace violence, nurses should

Question 53 options:

a) Gain power over others

b) Avoid using the elevator

c) Avoid poorly lit staircases

d) Have another staff with during patient encounters

Question 54 (1 point)



When considering disasters, the public health nurse knows their role will include all these EXCEPT:

Question 54 options:

a) Preparedness

b) Recovery

c) Reclaiming

d) Response

Question 55 (1 point)



Which is a major reason for the increased focus on nutrition and exercise over the past few decades?

Question 55 options:

a) Acute conditions are on the rise

b) Food sources are changing

c) Prevalence of obesity is at an all-time high

d) People are living longer

Question 56 (1 point)



Who should be addressed first when a finding shows a need to advance knowledge of a unit's personnel on Evidence-based practice?

Question 56 options:

a) Academic experts

b) Unit managers

c) Experienced staff

d) Medical librarians

Question 57 (1 point)



Best practice for oral presentations for community nursing include all of the following EXCEPT:

Question 57 options:

a) Speak clearly and confidently

b) Admit to not knowing an answer

c) Add as much information to visual materials as possible

d) Retrain from "um" and "like"

Question 58 (1 point)



Stress is a common daily occurrence for nurses and can contribute to a wide range of issues including?

Question 58 options:

a) Poor concentration

b) Migraines

c) Depression

d) All of the above

Question 59 (1 point)



Healthy People 2020 has national objectives in an attempt to improve the health of Americans. The main overall goals of Health People 2020 are to accomplish all of the below EXCEPT

Question 59 options:

a) To encourage communities to collaborate for better health outcomes

b) Guide people towards making improved and informed health decisions

c) Used as a measurement tool to show the impact of prevention activities

d) Increase the ability of providers to diagnose chronic disease

Question 60 (1 point)



A community assessment includes both data generation and data gathering. Which is a correct statement on these activities?

Question 60 options:

a) Both require creating surveys and interviews

b) Both are locating already established data

c) One is developing new data, the other is locating established data

d) Neither require internet searching