The writing paper is about Shakespeare "As you like it", and details are included in the documents. The writing needs 800+words and it must be original and use your own words to organize it. No othe

Details for writing (focus on the book written by Shakespeare “As you Like It”, need 800+ words)

Thinking about performance (and also visual elements such as imagery and visual descriptions. You might examine the extent to which the visual elements affect the interpretation of the work. (Why did it matter how Eve looks? Does it?) You might look at the plays and see how they are performing a theme or idea that can't be visually represented except by action. (Honor is a complex idea but it was examined by what the characters did and said in Beowulf.) 

You don’t have to answer every question in the prompts. These questions are meant to guide you as you decide what to write, but they may not apply to everyone’s choice.

Link for original novel:

Format for writing:

1. Double-space (MS style), Garamond, 12 Point Size, 1-inch margins for all essays, including drafts. 

2. Number pages: upper right. 

3. Unless you have a reasonable claim to use a different citation style, all papers should be formatted and cited according to MLA formatting standards. Reasonable claims include, but are not limited to, reasons such as belonging to a major that uses a particular style. E.g. Nursing, Engineering, or Journalism