Please answer all the questions 1-8 below! Make sure to watch the videos on link to get the answers.

BIOL20 Anatomy: Blood Vessels Homework

  1. Describe the tunics/layers of tissue that make up a blood vessel:

  1. Tunica intima

  1. Tunica media

  1. Tunica externa

  1. What are elastic arteries? What are the structural features of elastic arteries? Please provide an example of an elastic artery in the human body.

  1. What are muscular arteries? What are the structural features of muscular arteries?

  1. What are capillaries? What is the structure of capillary wall? What is the function of a capillary?

  1. What is a capillary bed? Draw a basic capillary bed and label the associated blood vessels. What is the function(s) of a capillary bed?

  1. What is a precapillary sphincter? When is it contracted? When is it relaxed?

  1. How is the structure of a vein different than the structure of an artery?

  1. What are the general features of atherosclerosis? Please describe the anatomy of this disorder.