Literature Quiz and a writing Assignment. Please read and understand also make sure you can supply a grade A paper before you send proposal.


The Ancient Romance

Fall 2020


Name: ______________________________

The Story of Apollonius King of Tyre

ID Quiz

  1. Who wrote the story of Apollonius King of Tyre?


  1. What is the name of the King of Antioch?


  1. What is the shameful secret of the King of Antioch?


  1. Who is the first person to solve the King’s riddle?


  1. King Apollonius returns to Tyre before setting sail for what city?


  1. What does Apollonius do for the citizens of Tarsus?


  1. What happens to Apollonius and crew on their way to Pentapolis?


  1. Apollonius is invited to dinner at the court of the king of Tarsus. What two services had he performed to earn such an invitation?


  1. To what god does the narrator compare Apollonius as he plays the lyre?


  1. Who is appointed tutor to King Archistrates’ daughter, the princess?


  1. How does Apollonius learn that the princess loves him?


  1. Why do Apollonius and his wife, the princess, set sail for Antioch?


  1. A coffin washes up on shore near Ephesus. Who’s in it?


  1. Apollonius, king of Tyre, decides to change professions. What’s his new line of work?


  1. What vow does Apollonius make?


  1. What is the name of Apollonius’ daughter?


  1. What prevents Theophilus from murdering Tarsia?


  1. In what city is Tarsia put up for sale?


  1. What strategem does Tarsia employ in the brothel to remain a virgin?


  1. What do Stranguillio and Dionysias tell Apollonius has happened to his daughter, Tarsia?


  1. Apollonius takes to the sea to breathe out the last of his life, but his ship is storm-driven to a city in the eastern Mediterranean. Which city?


  1. What two characters attempt to draw Apollonius out of his depression and return him to the light?


  1. How is it that Apollonius recognizes that Tarsia is his daughter?


  1. What happens to Tarsia’s pimp?


  1. Apollonius, Athenagora, and Tarsia set sail for Tyre via Tarsus, but instead go to Ephesus. Why?


  1. The head priestess of the temple of Diana turns out to be who in reality?


  1. What three people are put on trial back in Tarsus?


  1. Why is Theophilus spared execution?


  1. Apollonius makes two individuals from his past peers of the kingdom. Who are they?


  1. What is the name of Apollonius’ wife?
