4 paper to complete. see folder

Middle Age Adults (40-65) Interview

SEX: _____________________ AGE: __________________

  1. What is your best child memory and why? __________________________________________________________________________________

  2. What is a goal that would like to accomplish in the next five years and why? _____________________________________________________________________________

  3. Who is the first person that comes to mind when you think of a role model? _____________________________________________________________________________

  4. What is a piece of advice that you would offer to someone younger than you? __________________________________________________________________________________

  5. How is life most similar being a teen in your day as compared with life for teens today? Would you want to trade places with today’s teenagers and live in the world they have grown up in (technology, etc) rather than the way that you grew up? __________________________________________________________________________________

  6. What physical changes have you experienced from the age of 40?  _____________________________________________________________________________

  7. In your opinion, how has society changed since you were 40?  __________________________________________________________________________________

  8. What is your memory like since being 40?  __________________________________________________________________________________

  9. Have you noticed a change in how you think since being 40?  __________________________________________________________________________________

  10. Do you think more or less about what happens after death, since being 40?  __________________________________________________________________________________

After the interview, discuss your reaction.

  1. What did you learn? Did anything surprise you? __________________________________________________________________________________

  2. What changes (if any) have occurred in your perception of middle-aged adults? What did you think before? What do you think now? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________