Organizational behavior development Journal

Grading Criteria for Leadership Journal

During the course you are expected to create an opportunity (5 total) for personal leadership growth. The emphasis is on changing how you manage challenging situations in order to improve your ability to influence others in a positive way. In general, we are most effective when we identify and reflect on situations before they occur, especially when emotions are likely to be involved.

Your journal entries will be evaluated with the following criteria in mind. Each section is evaluated on a 5 point scale (where 1= significantly below expectations, 3=met expectations, and 5 = Wow! exceeded expectations).

1. Introduce Situation (20%)

Rating criteria:

5 = Succinct and articulate statement of a meaningful situation and what you hoped to

achieve. How you have struggled with similar situations in the past, and how you

would like to handle such situations. Clear action plan.

3 = Decent identification of a situation, but weak connections to past and future goals and growth. Situation lacks depth or importance. Poorly developed plan.

1 = Insufficient discussion of the situation, and little to no justification for investing in the situation. Trivial situation. No plan for action.

2. Response to Situation (40%)

Rating criteria:

5 = Outstanding but succinct description of how important situation unfolded; Insightful description of how you handled the situation and how you felt, as well as how the other party/parties responded and likely felt. Digs into important outcomes of situation (surface level and deeper)

3 = Sufficient description of the situation, but largely surface level description with little insight. Some important aspects of the situation may have been overlooked.

1 = Insufficient understanding of the situation and underlying problems. No critical thinking demonstrated and many important aspects of the situation were overlooked.

3. Growth (40%)

Rating criteria:

5 = Clear and insightful reflection on what went well and not so well in the situation. Strong connection to ā€œGā€ step of critical thinking. Demonstrates personal growth and plan for future growth.

3 = Summarizes situation and outcome. Some evidence of growth and fuzzy goals for future. Demonstrates some heuristic thinking or mental traps.

1 = Superficial treatment of situation; Little evidence of growth or goals for future growth. Obvious mental traps.