OJ Simpson 400words

This week we discussed the criminal acquittal of OJ Simpson related to the murder of his ex-wife and her friend. The verdict stunned white America. How could he be acquitted when the evidence seen on television (in greater detail than any criminal case before or since) indicated his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt? Early public opinion polling indicate that white sentiment was not mirrored in the black community. Anecdotal reporting, including numerous television clips, showed celebrations in black communities at the verdict. Later polling indicated that the celebration may have been more about the success of OJ's lead lawyer, Johnnie Cochrane, than on a guilty man going free.

Write 400 words on what the Simpson case tells us about Americas racial divide. Is that still true? Has it changed. Were there long term impacts from the Simpson verdict?

How much of did the blind eye by LAPD management play in the outcome. It is clear that Detective Mark Fuhrman (of N word fame) was a barely closeted racist who should have been more closely supervised and should not have been allowed to enter the Simpson compound without escort. Do police departments do enough to head this kind of thing off? (look at this story from the NY Times this weekend...and feel free to refer to it in your answer. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/05/nyregion/james-kobel-nypd-racism.html?searchResultPosition=2)