1. Attached is the clear and precise outline of how this paper should be formulated. The key is to PLAN how you will research and implement an evidence-based model with your chosen client which will



Start planning and implementing this best practices paper early in the semester even though it is not due until the end of Session 12.

1. You are being asked to complete this paper writing about a client you are working with in your field placement or job.

2. Do your best to find one client to work with over the semester, even if you only can work with this client briefly.

3. The key is to PLAN ahead on how you will research and implement an evidence-based model with your chosen client. Work with your field instructor to make sure you get a client with whom you can carry out this assignment.

4. Length of time working with the client implementing this model can vary.

5. Invest time and effort to search the literature and identify for two to three relevant empirically supported therapies from the plethora of evidence-based models.

6. Cultural adaptation of your selected therapies is expected. You need to start researching the types of client issues that you see in your field placement as part of your starting this assignment early. Additionally, identify journal articles, clinical guidelines, or book chapters that focus directly on your chosen clinical topis; one excellent journal article is

7. Therefore, specifically delineate the different manifestations (e.g., behavioral affective, imagery, cognitive or interpersonal) of the client’s presenting condition using the SMART outcome model, and identify their corresponding empirically supported therapies or interventions; and must utilize the BASIC-ID Multimodal Therapy model for assessment and treatment planning deliberations.

8. Draw from the following journals: Clinical Case Studies, Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, Clinical Social Work, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, Clinical Psychology, and several other related clinical journals and sources that deal directly with your chosen topic of clinical interest. Related journals (several suggestions will be provided) and/or book chapters regarding transdiagnostic and other related clinical research sources.

9. See suggested outline below. Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor in the completion of this major assignment as needed.


Recommended length of double-spaced paper: 8 to 12 pages excluding cover and References pages; use a 12-point font size with one-inch margins. Provide substantiating in-text citations for all your reference sources and use APA and style of reference. Written Assignment Expectations on pages 7-8 apply.

Introduction (1/2 - 1 page)

A. Description of the practice setting and focus of service, including community context, socio-economic and socio-cultural description of the population served.

B. Bio-psycho-social assessment of the client system. Include relevant and applicable data:

1. Biological: age, gender, physical appearance, physical health, level of intellectual functioning, cognitive deficits. If the client is a child, include developmental history. Other disorders that may have biological effects such as eating disorders and substance abuse.

2. Psychological: mood/affect, level of psychological functioning, evidence of psychopathology, family history of mental illness, substance abuse, history of trauma and relevant data.

3. Social Functioning: client’s interpersonal familial and social relationships, sexual and gender identity, ethnocultural identity, religion/spirituality, economic situation, and other relevant multiple identities data.

C. Clinician’s initial assessment of client and client’s problems including DSM-5 diagnoses IF indicated with a clear presentation of how they do or do not diagnostic criteria.

Brief review of the literature (3-5 pages)

At least two clinical research or practice journals or book chapters should each deal with treatment and evaluation processes, or each source should adequately cover both treatment intervention and evaluation issues.

A. Evidence base for addressing this presenting issue:

  1. Identify two or more models that have been shown to have some effectiveness for the treatment of the presenting condition or issue; review the evidence for each model.

  2. Articulate rationale for selection of empirically supported therapy: (a) select the model that has the best match in terms of evidence for outcome effectiveness, (b) client context, (c) culture and values; (d) address cultural adaptation process considerations; (e) client’s strengths, and (f) clinician capacities.

Process of treatment (3-5 pages)

A. Present a brief case conceptualization or formulation. Treatment goals and objectives (distinguish between the two): Differentiate between general goals and objectives (integrate goals and differentiate these from SMART outcome objectives). Ideally. there should be a baseline measure and identify and describe how quantitative measure was used; discuss measurement of pre-treatment objectives and post-treatment evaluation of clinical outcomes using appropriate methodology.

B. Describe in detail implementation of strategies for each objective (i.e. dimension or manifestation of the presenting condition or issue) addressed. May provide a session by session narrative, i.e., provide dialogue script; describe the strategies used from beginning, middle, to end of work with the client, which you implemented using various strategies/techniques from empirically supported therapies. Identify cultural adaptations you initiated to protocol or the model and how these were integrated into your intervention.

C. Description of the clinician-client relationship, including examples of the working alliance from clinical sessions, clinician’s use of self, and instances of transference and countertransference.

Evaluation of Clinical Intervention (1-2 pages)

A. Using your pre- and post-measurement data, what changes did you see from the assessment stage to post treatment? Substantiate your pretreatment and postintervention data. What evidence do you have of this change?

B. What accounted for this change or lack thereof?

C. What informal measures (qualitative, self-anchored or rating scales) could you have used as a second choice? Tie this back to treatment objectives.

Conclusion. Reflect on what you learned and would have done differently in order to have attained improved outcomes for your client.