Please read the file properly. The assignment is about the Database and entity-relationship diagram. Please do the assignment plagiarism-free.

CIS 4610 – Special Projects

Entity Relationship Diagrams

Homework 5

Assignment - Complete the 2 parts as described below.

Exercise 1 - CARS

Identify all entity types, attributes, relationship types and their degrees in the following case. Hence draw an entity-relationship diagram.

An organization makes many models of cars, where a model is characterized by a name and a suffix (such as GL or XL which indicates the degree of luxury) and an engine size.

Each model is made up from many parts and each part may be used in the manufacture of more than one model. Each part has a description and an id code. Each model of car is produced at just one of the firm’s factories, which are located in London, Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester - one in each city. A factory produces many models of car and many types of part although each type of part is produced at one factory only.

Exercise 2 - A UNIVERSITY

A university consists of several colleges. Within each college there are several departments. Each department may run a number of courses. All teaching staff is attached to departments, each staff member belonging to a unique department. (Note: see how many meanings you can assign to this ambiguous sentence). Every course is composed of sub-courses. Some sub-courses are part of more than one course. Staff may teach on many sub-courses and each sub-course may be taught by a number of staff.

Draw an entity-relationship model for this example. Show both cardinalities and optionalities. Put a question mark where the degree is not clear from the text. Don't assume anything; rather, write a list of questions you would have to find answers to in order to complete the model.