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Organizational analysis report

Organizational analysis project (Group project, 20%)
  • Each group will select one organization for this assignment.

  • Students will collect information and data about the selected organization by doing market research and by conducting a non-face-to-face interview with a manger of that organization.

  • The report should include the following components:

      • Business description

      • Main management approach

      • Competition & Strategy

      • Organization design & Control

      • Problems & Solutions

  • Report (15%) due by 11:59 , December 9. Final presentation (5%)

  • Each team member is required to contribute to the project and complete a fair share of the team’s work. The group can fire a group member if the member

      • Fails to contribute to group endeavors

      • Fails to complete assignments on time

      • Fails to communicate appropriately and effectively with group members

    • Before firing a member, the group must complete following procedures:

      • Memo the group member via email (cc me) when the aforementioned criteria are violated. This memo must use “facts” of someone’s behavior.

      • After three warnings (memos) the group can fire the member.

        • But all group members must agree on the decision, and the leader must provide the course instructor with all the records related to the process.

        • The instructor can approve the decision or give the last chance to the member.

      • If the member is terminated from the group, the member will work on a new project alone.

  • There will be a final peer evaluation to assess contributions of each team member.

    • Each team member is required to submit an individual report on the performance of teammates

      • Submit the report to UMLearn by 11:59 p.m., Dec. 9 (Failure to submit the report may result in a one percent deduction in the final grade.)

    • If your average score is lower than 610, your marks for the analysis report will be modified.

  • Peer evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

    • Communicated timely and effectively with teammates.

    • Kept commitments and completed assignments on time.

    • Completed a fair share of the team’s work and made important contributions.

  • This is a group assignment. Each group writes a single report, and only one member (group leader) of the group needs to submit it.

  • Submit to: “Assignments” on UM Learn (under the Assessments tab)

    • File name: Group name

e.g., Group name: XYZ -> XYZ.doc (docx) or XYZ.pdf

  • Format:

Everything must be in ONE file using Microsoft Word or PDF format (no other formats will be accepted). Please use Times New Roman 12or 14 point font, 8 ½ x 11 page settings.

  • Maximum of 10 single-spaced pages or 3000 words. The page limit does not include the reference list, cover page or appendix.

  • Use APA style for your references.

  • Up to 10% of points can be deducted for failure to follow the formatting and style guidelines

The analysis should include the following:

  1. Business description:

  1. Target customers

  2. Attributes and benefits of key products/services

  1. Management type:

  1. Explain the main management type that characterizes the organization (6)

      1. Approach to financial well-being/ ecological well-being/ social well-being using specific examples or practices

  1. Competition and Strategy:

  1. Identify competitors (at least four competitors) and explain how the organization is similar to and different from those competitors

  2. Describe business strategies

  3. SWOT analysis with specific information

  1. Organization design and control:

    1. Explain organization structure and culture

    2. Describe performance standards & monitoring system

  1. Potential problems and solutions:

  1. Identify and explain problems (at least four) facing the organization

    1. The problems should be related to products/services, strategy, organization design, or control system

  2. Develop two solutions to each of the problems and explain why these solutions are appropriate

  • Each team should provide specific information, examples/practices, and direct quotes to support the answers. You are required to conduct a non-face-to-face interview with a manger of the organization.

    • I also encourage you to communicate with other stakeholders (e.g., customers, employees…) of the organization via digital tools.

    • Appendix should include 1) the manager’s business card & contact info; 2) description of the interview method (when, where, how…)