min 500 words

For two weeks we have looked at issues regarding the Vallejo police department and the residents.

Crime is rising. Law suits alleging excessive force by police are at an all time high. What can be done.

Start with a careful review of the provided piece from the New Yorker Magazine from the Nov. 23, 2020 issue. What are the key issues the magazine identifies as problems. (Vallejo pdf)

Then look at possible solutions, as presented in the report to the City Council listed (a link is here: http://www.ci.vallejo.ca.us/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=16829647).

Dealing with crisises in police departments is not an easy task because there are rarely quick fixes. A first step would be to carry out triage - that is, identify the most urgent problems and classify possible solutions by levels of immediacy. If it seems that there aren't enough officers to properly patrol the city, one solution would be to develop strategies that address that shortage. Hiring might be one answer but are their others. How about redeployment (a pillar of the so-called "Defund the Police" movement)? Should a city change priorities in order to address the most serious issues? (e.g. Does a city with a high crime rate want to dispatch an officer to every minor incident, let's say a bicycle theft? Here in New York you can report a bicycle theft by phone, email or visiting a precinct. New Yorkers have decided in a silent vote that we want our police to concentrate on bigger problems (Here in NY the Attorney General said that the NYPD should cut back on traffic enforcement because it increases hostility between people of color and the department and that cops, frankly should be spending their time doing more "important things https://apnews.com/article/bronx-arrests-traffic-archive-new-york-c93fa5fc03f25c2b625d36e4c75d1691). Here are some other proposals: rethink the mission  https://www.fastcompany.com/90511824/is-it-time-to-defund-the-police  

Vallejo is a mess. Can it be fixed. Write at least 500 words.

Also tell the reader something about Vallejo to identify specific problems that may create issues unique (beyond crime rate what about demographics.....http://www.city-data.com/city/Vallejo-California.html   and  https://www.forbes.com/places/ca/vallejo/?sh=1388e3202749  

   Does income disparity impact crime and police relations? Vallejo has a large share of households making less than 50k per year, but also has one of the highest cost of living indexes.