Course: Information Technology in a Global Economy Part A: Discussion 8 (Week 7): Policy Development There is a relationship between policy evaluation and production identification, policy evaluation

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Discussion 8 (Week 7)


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Policy Development

University of the Cumberland’s

Sandeep kumar Jinkula


ITS 832 InfoTech in a Global Economy

Dr. Jordon Shaw


This is very large identification of production, with a lot of stuff such as product traceability brand theft or copying imitation security, knowledge marks, nutrition facts, and much more. The overall production identity consists of assigning a name to a particular individual whose name will forever identify that person with the product with which he or she is the same and how it is made (Sanderson, 2006, p. 12). If you fail to label something during the manufacturing process, it can be a risk, not only for clients, but also for other brands that can use your product as a model. That is why it is really important or essential for 110 percent error proof output to be able to generate an identifying process.

Policy evaluation is a more rigorous way of systematically collecting and analyzing data or facts when it comes to policy evaluation, in order to be able to establish essential points and contexts of decision-making on the characteristics of the actions or consequences of one or more policies that are being taken, and this is a critical aspect of policy mechanism or policy creation.

As parenting a child or a child, I will clarify this to you that you need to take some measures to give them the right diet to provide them with sufficient food water to properly nurture them and clearly execute each step to raise them strong and stable (Kitson et al., 2005, p. 16). In the entire spectrum of policy evaluation, one failure can echo and can jeopardize the legitimacy or effectiveness of the policy or any policy.

The relationship between policy evaluation and production identification is very simple and let me describe it to you in a simplistic way to think of it as if policy evaluation is a vehicle with valuable goods inside all the things needed to survive in order to be able to restore the vehicle to a ruined civilization, now think of production identification as your globe.

Policy evaluation and policy enforcement, though, is about tuning the car as a separate relationship policy evaluation, ensuring that all goes well that oil damages everything in the vehicle, and policy evaluation is able to drive the vehicle correctly and comply with all driving laws at the same time (Kitson et al., 2005, p. 16). Since policy enforcement is how you implement the policy, how you make it implemented by those affected by the policy, how you teach them, and that's how I can understand it.

Policy formulation that varies from policy evaluation their relationship is like you have your own list when you get to go to a grocery store, and that list is policy formulation, of course you will get all the stuff you need in the grocery store, but you will also select brand to compare each read their labels c which is cheaper in your budget and what are the products on the l Overall, both these topics and procedures are like they need each other in and yang in order to be able to build the perfect balance on the things that should happen when it comes to making policies (Hanney, Gonzalez-Block, Buxton, & Kogan, 2004, p. 09).




Hanney, S. R., Gonzalez-Block, M. A., Buxton, M. J., & Kogan, M. (2004). The utilisation of health research in policy-making: concepts, examples and methods of assessment. Health research policy and systems, 1(2), 2.

Kitson, A. L., Rycroft-Malone, J., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., Seers, K., & Titchen, A. (2005). Evaluating the successful implementation of evidence into practice using the PARiHS framework: theoretical and practical challenges. Implementation science, 4(1), 1.

Sanderson, I. (2006). Evaluation, policy learning and evidence‐based policy making. Public administration, 80(1), 1-23.

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Discussion 8


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The relationship between policy evaluation and production identification.

            Policy evaluation refers to the process of examining the content, context, implementation, and impact of a given policy in an organization. As per Hill (2014), this process helps the entity understand the usefulness, efficiency, effectiveness, and whether the policy will aid in attaining the objective of the entity. Production identification encompasses vast procedures like product traceability, brand protection, and labeling, all of which aim at uniquely identifying a product and ensuring that good quality is achieved out of the production process. Production identification is beneficial to an entity's business operations because; it enables suppliers to improve their visibility of products supplied and for retailers to improve on category management. These two are related in the sense that various policies can be adopted during production identification. These policies should be evaluated to ascertain if they are viable and help achieve the objective.

The relationship between policy evaluation and policy implementation

            Policy implementation refers to the realization of an application or execution of a given policy. This is the actual translation of the written down policies and procedures into actions. Policy implementation is related to policy evaluation. As one carries out implementation, which is the practical application of the policies, these steps are often checked against some set standard. The checking of these plans at each stage is important to determine the following steps' success, especially when the two are related. 

The relationship between policy evaluation and policy formulation


            Policy formulation refers to developing or coining an effective, goal-driven, and generally-accepted course of action for a given task in an entity. Usually, policy formulation is procedural as a policy that will be accepted has to be deliberated on, tested, and proved to work. Policy evaluation can come at either earlier or later stages. Policy evaluation at earlier stages will assess a proposed policy's practicability, while evaluation at later stages will evaluate a policy after its application (Clever, 2008).



Clever Madimutsa. (2008 June). The Policy Formulation Process. [Online] Available at

Hill, M. (2014). The policy process: A reader. Routledge. [Online] Available at

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