**Multiple Assignment** Journal Entry, Step 1 Record in Your Leadership Map Review the instructions for the Leadership Map_Exercise to understand the purpose of this activity for Step 1. Read the inst

Leadership Map Exercise

Step 2: Assessing my Current Level

of Proficiency

As you go through the weekly modules, use this assessment log to record what you have learned from self-assessments and reflections. Record your thoughts in Step 2 journal.

You can copy the table below into your Step 2 journal or create a new format. You can add rows to the table below, as you need them. Regardless of the format, record into the same log each week to build your leadership ideas. Do not create a new journal entry for each week’s recording.

Purpose of the assessment log:

  • This log will help you identify your current traits and skills. It will help you keep track of what is required for you to be able to model your desired leadership style (Column 1).

  • You will use it to assess your current proficiency (Column 2) compared to the requirements in Column 1.

This Step 2 assessment log will help you complete Assignment# 2 due at the of Module 5 and worth 200 possible points. See more information on this assignment at the end of this document.

Column 1 Style Requirements Column 2 My Self-Assessment
What do I need to do so that I can model my desired leadership style? Below are requirements of my desired leadership style (i.e. competences, skills, knowledge, traits, experiences, etc.)

What is my current level of ability in each of these areas? My assessment and rating of my proficiency are:


Module 1, 2 & 3




  1. Accountability - ability to account for one's actions

  1. Prioritization – ability to arrange or deal with order of importance

  1. Relationships - ability to build trust with others, and form and maintain relationships

  1. Critical Thinking - ability to objectively analyze a situation and evaluate the pros, cons and implications of a course of action

  1. Cultural Competence and Diversity - ability to acknowledge and appreciate differences and similarities among people, and build relationships among different types of people and ideas


Module 1, 2 & 3




  1. Self-Confidence – have a positive feeling of one’s ability to accomplish certain or general activities in life, social, physical, work, or individual situations; a belief that one’s self and capabilities are equal to most any task

  1. Interpersonal Sensitivity – have accurate and/or appropriate perceptions, judgments, and responses with respect to one another

  1. Decision Making – obtain the mental process to select a course of action among several alternative scenarios

  1. Creativity and Innovation- ability to examine the norm and look for better ways of doing things and developing new approaches

Addition: In the next rows, add any other skills you believe are important and based on what you learned in Modules 1, 2 & 3.


Module 3




Refer to Module 3 and record your MBTI type (enter your four letter type): ___________________

Based on your MBTI type, list below what you have learned about traits and behaviors required for your leadership style?

List any additional traits and behaviors that would be important for you to possess in order to model your desired leadership style.

EI Level

Module 3




In Module 3, assess your level of EI based on Goleman’s Model of Emotional Intelligence.

Indicate if your level is low, medium or high for each of the following traits.

Self-awareness – the ability to know one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and goals, and their impact on others

Self-regulation- the ability to control or redirect one’s disruptive emotions and impulses

Motivation – have the drive to achieve for the sake of achievement

Empathy – ability to consider others’ feelings, especially when making decisions

Social skill – ability to manage relationships to move people in desired directions

Module 4




Refer to Modules 4 addressing trends in:

Leadership in a Global, multi cultural and virtual society

And Communication issues

Add any new skills or criteria you believe would be important for you to possess to be the leader you desire.

Assignment# 2 – Self-Assessment Log

In most modules you will be asked to complete certain activities, such as self-assessment and reflections, to determine your leadership skills and traits.

You are to enter this information weekly. Your recordings will be reviewed by your instructor.

In Module 5 you are to submit a final log by using the information recorded in your Step 2 journal on a weekly basis. More details for this assignment are located in Module 1.