**Multiple Assignment** Journal Entry, Step 1 Record in Your Leadership Map Review the instructions for the Leadership Map_Exercise to understand the purpose of this activity for Step 1. Read the inst

Leadership Map Exercise


The leadership map is a tool to help you on your leadership development journey. Use this map as a working document to:

  • develop an idea of your desired leadership style,

  • record what you have learned from self-assessments, and

  • create a plan to work on your developmental gaps in order to help form your leadership style.

As you go through the modules, you will be asked to update the leadership map worksheets weekly as you learn from the activities, readings and exercises in the modules.

The leadership map will help you complete Assignments 1, 2 and 3,

which are separate from this exercise and graded.

The leadership map worksheets are located within the assignments and within Files. There are three separate journals for each worksheet and include:

  • Step 1: Defining My Leadership Style

  • Step 2: Assessing My Current Level of Proficiency

  • Step 3: My Leadership Development Plan

Your Leadership Journey

As with any journey, you start with an idea or vision of where you want to go, an understanding of where you are as you begin, and a plan that can help you get to where you want to finish. The same process is true for a leadership journey. The leadership map has three steps and includes the following:

Step 1: Determine the kind of leadership style you want to model

First, you will need to have a vision of the leadership style you want to model. In this exercise you will answer the following questions:

  • What would you be doing as a leader?

  • What are the values to help you live your leadership style?

  • What are the skills, experiences, and traits required to help you be that kind of leader?

The last question will be explored more in Step 2 of this exercise.

Step 2: Identify your current level of proficiency in your desired leadership style

To determine where you are in your current level of abilities, you will need to reflect and complete some self-assessments. In other words, you will review the level or proficiency required of a leadership style, and then assess your current abilities to perform that desired leadership style.

To help determine this, you will engage in reflective activities, reading assignments, and exercises to complete in the modules throughout the course. You may also want to get feedback from others as to how they perceive you. This can be powerful information for you.

These exercises will give you a place to start in knowing your capacity as a leader compared to the requirements to be that person.

When you conduct the self-assessments, you may find you already have skills in some of areas that are required. You may also find there are gaps or developmental areas that need work. To close the gap, you will move to Step 3 of this exercise - designing a development plan.

Step 3: Describe how you will develop the needed proficiency to model your desired leadership style

Similar to any journey, you will need a plan to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. The developmental plan is a road map to help

you outline steps and actions to take to move towards being the leader you want to be.

Possible activities to pursue and add to your leadership development plan may include:

  • selected readings to guide you,

  • activities to be performed in your current work role,

  • actions to be conducted outside of work,

  • help from mentors and subject matter experts (SMEs), and/or

  • education and training classes, professional workshops or seminars.

You will need to realistically match your resources (i.e. time, money and energy) with the appropriate activity for your developmental needs.


Locate the three worksheets within the assignments and use as the tools to help you record your learning and reflections as you move through the three steps described above.

You will be prompted throughout the course when to record in these worksheets and submit your work.

See the Syllabus and Calendar of Activities for details on graded points, due dates, and description of all assignments.