**Multiple Assignment** Journal Entry, Step 1 Record in Your Leadership Map Review the instructions for the Leadership Map_Exercise to understand the purpose of this activity for Step 1. Read the inst

Leadership Map Exercise

Step 1: Defining My Leadership Style

Record your ideas and reflections for Step 1 in the journal assignment in the online classroom. Be creative in how you record in that area, such as creating tables, lists, paragraphs and even including images and links to videos to express your ideas and thinking around a desired leadership style.

To help describe your desired leadership style refer to the following:

  • Module 1 - What is the Difference between Leadership and Management?

  • Module 2 - Getting to Know Yourself

  • Module 3 - Leadership styles

  1. Use the following questions to help you with Step 1, as you begin to formulate your desired leadership style.

To help you define your leadership style, consider the following questions:

My thoughts:

  1. What traits and behaviors are at the core of my personal leadership style?

  1. What core personality traits do I bring to my personal leadership style?

  1. What leadership skills do I possess and how do these skills enhance my style?

  1. In my leadership style, what are a leader’s most important tasks?

  1. What are the core values that my leadership style emphasizes?

  1. In what ways does my leadership style reflect existing scholarship on leadership and in what ways is my approach unique to me?

  1. What barriers and opportunities exist towards the implementation of my personal leadership style in my personal and social life?

  1. What barriers and opportunities exist towards the implementation of my personal leadership model in my work and professional life?

  1. From Modules 1 & 2: Record what you learned about describing your desired leadership style.

  1. From Module 3: Record what you learned from the activities to help you describe your desired leadership style

Identifying Values

Use the information below to outline your core leadership values.

  • List values that are important to you and are part of your desired leadership style (Column 1).

  • List the behaviors and actions that would be needed to model the values (Column 2).

  • Refer to the activities in Module 2 to help form your list.

Column 1 Column 2
Values that are a part of my desired leadership style How would I demonstrate these values? Describe the actions and behaviors that would show you are living the value.

Additional Reflection

  1. From Module 1, Discussion #1, who was the leader you said you would like to emulate?

    1. How would you describe the values of the leader you selected?

    2. Add any new values you want to include to your list above.

  1. Why are the values above important to your success in your desired leadership style?

Assignment 1 - Desired Leadership Style

At the end of Module 2, submit Assignment 1 describing your leadership style based on what you have considered at this point. Total points possible is 150.


Write a two to three page paper in APA format and include the following:

  1. Describe your desired leadership style

  2. Give an example of a modern day leader who is similar to this style. This leader may not be exactly like your chosen style but may be similar in some aspects.

  3. Explain why you selected this leadership style

  4. Describe the values that would be important for you to model this leadership style.

  5. Describe what is required to model that leadership style. Include skills, competencies, experiences, knowledge and traits that you would need to possess in order to demonstrate this leadership style.

  6. In addition to the textbook information and other resources in Modules 1, and 2, use at least three other references.