**Multiple Assignment** Journal Entry, Step 1 Record in Your Leadership Map Review the instructions for the Leadership Map_Exercise to understand the purpose of this activity for Step 1. Read the inst

Leadership Map Exercise

Step 3: Leadership Development Plan
In this step you will determine how to develop the needed proficiencies to model your desired leadership style.

For Step 3, refer to:

  • Module 5 – Skills for Leading Successfully and Leadership Dev Plan

  • Module 6 - Team Support and Leadership Development Plans

  • Module 7 - Finalize Team and Leadership Development Plans

Use the leadership development plan below to help you determine how to prepare to model your desired leadership style. Identify the actions and steps to help close the gap between where you and where you need to be in terms of your proficiency level of the requirements. Note: If your current employer has a development plan template, you may use it instead of this worksheet.


Instructions on how to complete the leadership development plan worksheet are provided below.

See an example of the worksheet at the end of this document.

  • As with Step 1 and 2 worksheets, record your entries in the journal area of Blackboard. See Step 3 journal.

  • You can copy the table below into your Step 3 journal or create a new format.

  • Column 1: Identify what you want to work on and develop as outlined in your self-assessment log (Step 2 journal).

    • Select two or three areas from your log where you assessed your proficiency level as “low”. Choose areas that you view are very important to your success on your career journey.

    • Include those two to three areas and insert in Column 1 below.

  • Column 2: Indicate your current level of proficiency as outlined in your assessment log (Step 2 journal).

  • Column 3: Determine the level you desire, whether medium or high.

  • Column 4: Provide a development activity that would help you develop the skills, such as such as reading assignments, training seminars, professional workshops, on-the-job activities, learning with mentors or other subject matter experts, online tutorials, certificate programs, etc.

  • Column 5: Describe what you expect to achieve after the development activity. What would be the outcome?

  • Column 6: What is your desired timeline to conduct the development activity and improve the skills?

  • Column 7: Add additional comment such as final results, completion date, etc.

Assignment# 3 – Leadership Development Plan

Complete the leadership development plan showing the two or three areas you selected to develop, and the activities chosen to improve them.

Your completed leadership development plan worksheet is due during Module 7 and worth 170 possible points.


At the end of your plan, add the following:

  • Add 3 to 5 references- (Use Books 24x7, on line resource help find at least two books.)

    • These are the research sources you used to complete your plan and can include development activity sources, leadership skill information, etc.

  • Use the APA documentation style

    • See APA guidance under Tools and Resources, and Writing Resources in Blackboard

Leadership Development Plan Worksheet

Current job:










Area of Development

(Competencies, skill, etc.)

Required Level

Current Proficiency Level or Gap(s)

Development Activity

(What will I do to acquire the skill)

Expected Outcomes

Estimated Completion Date


Completion Date

Example: Leadership Development Plan Worksheet

Current job:

Manager of Customer Service


Susie Sample


July 2013








Area of Development

(Competencies, skill, etc.)

Required Level

Current Proficiency Level or Gap(s)

Development Activity

(What will I do to acquire the skill)

Expected Outcomes

Estimated Completion Date


Completion Date

Learn to listen more effectively to teammates and customers.

Allow people to finish their thoughts.

Repeat what people say and be able to paraphrase the meaning/ gist of what they are saying so they indicate I have understood and heard them correctly.

I cut people off and do not allow them to finish their sentences.

I am not accurate when I paraphrase what others say.

  1. Find and read two books, articles or other resources such as videos on listening skills.

  2. Spend time with Fran Martin who is a great listener and observe her. Also, ask her for listening tips.

  3. Ask my peer coach to observe me and give me feedback on my listening skills.

  4. Inform my team what I am working on and to share any observations and feedback with me at any time.

  5. Practice listening and paraphrasing during team meetings.

Be able to listen more than I talk and accurately describe another person’s meaning.

Within a week review resources on listening.

Meet with Fran next week

Get together with my coach this week and share my plan.

Inform my team next week and practice during next week’s meeting.

Get team feedback.

This will be an ongoing development activity. I hope to be more attentive and accurate listener by Christmas of this year.