Use Android Studio Topic chosen is Horoscope Helper. Examples apps are: Astrology Daily Horoscope, The DailyHoroscope and Horoscope – Zodiac Signs. Need to have • Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layo

2 General Instructions Use the following format for the preparation of the assignment submission . • Commentaries are required in the code • Spacing and indentation are required • Source code and all related sources ( source code, executable file and resource file ) WARNING • Assignments submitted after the due date will be considered late. • Assignments submitted not later due date will not be entertained. • First City University College takes allegations of plagiarism very seriously. Submissions involving plagiarism will be marked, but given zero mark. Plagiarism is the attempt to pass off the work of another as your own. Information taken from the work of others should be acknowl edged by reference to obviate the charge of copying. • Collusion is an academic irregularity within the First City University College assessment regulations. Any student found colluding in the production of any assessment will be subject to an investigation with the imposition of any penalty deemed appropriate. Students must ensure they are familiar with the definition of collusion. 3 I. Assignment Requirements Introduction In this assignment, you are required to create a mobile application to solve real problem you have encounter . The following is some suggest ed topic : 1. Fortune Teller Application (Leisure) 2. Personal Assistance Application ( Helper ) 3. Health Assistance Application (Health) 4. Shopping Assistance Application (Helper) The mobile application should consist of the following components : • Layout (Relative Layout, Linear Layout and etc.) • A Splash Screen • Recycleview, ListView or GridView • At least FIVE (5) Activities within the application. Proper linkages must be created for these activities. • Option menu and/or contextual menu • At least one of the persistence storage s is used • Dialog and/or notification Submission Requirements A compressed folder of the source code including necessary library, class files and executable file should be submitted to e portal An APK file that able to be installed and executed in Android platform devices . Note Plagiarized work will result in a ‘FAIL GRADE’ Major Computer Software List – Any programming software 4 II. Assessment Marking Criteria Topic/Area of concern 80 – 100 marks (A) 65 -79 marks (B, B+) 50 - 64 marks (C, C+) 40 -49 marks (D) 0 – 39 marks (F) Grade/ Comment Multimedia Creation Layout and User interface design Attractive layout and user interface that not only make it easy for users to access but users have low learning curve to handle the usage. And splash screen is created. Layout and user interface design make user interactivity easy and simple. And splash sc reen is created. Proper layout and user interfaces are design to be easily access by users. And splash screen is created. Little layout , and user interface design but no splash screen No layout , splash screen and user interface design. /10 Compound component such as Recycle view, List view or Grid view Custom adapter is implemented for ListView and/or Gridview Object oriented is used to design the data model as well as efficient methods are used. Custom adapter is implemented for ListView and/or Gridview Object oriented is used to design the data model. Custom adapter is implemented for ListView and/or Gridview Default adapter is used for ListView and/or GridView. No ListVIew or GridVIew is used. /15 Functionalities Extra functionalities are available as proposed. All functionalities are available as proposed Most functionalities are available as proposed Few functionalities to the topic as proposed Limited or no functionalities /20 Activities with optional menu and/or contextual menu. Proper usage of dialog or notification Activities with proper intent are implemented. Optional menu is added into the activities with proper dialog (custom or building) and notification usage. Activities with proper intent are implemented.

Optional menu is added into the activities with proper dialog (custom or building) usage. Activities with proper intent are implemented.

Optional menu is added into the activities with limited dialog usage. Less than five activities in the application with proper intent are implemented Less than five activities in the application with simple intent is implemented /20 Persistence Storage Proper persistence storage is implemented with object - oriented data model.

Serialization is used and efficiency on coding to enhance the storage usage. Proper persisten ce storage is implemented with object -oriented data model. Proper persistence storage is implemented. Limited persistence storage is implemented No persistence storage is implemented /20 5 Good programming coding Complete commentary and proper naming convention are implemented. Custom methods created with proper space indentation and commentary. Proper commentary and naming convention. Limited commentary and naming convention. No commentary is listed. Limited impl ementation of naming convention. No commentary is listed. Bad implementation of naming convention. /5 TOTAL FOR SYSTEM /90 Demo/presentation Well prepared, interesting visual aids, clear introduction, topics to cover (good content) and conclusion, smooth flow, clear voice, confident. Well prepared, good visual aids, introduction, content and conclusion, clear voice, not so confident Not well prepared, poor visual aids, no proper introduction and topics to cover.

Soft voice. Not well prepared, very poor visual aids.

Read from text/slides most of the time. Not prepared, reading from text/slide. Fail to demo. /10 FINAL TOTAL : (____/85)+(____/15)= /100