Subject: Project Management Hello, I was hoping you could write a letter to my team paper. I have attached the file which explains how the letter needs to be written. In the File "MGMT640 team 02 Ass

Subject: Project Management  Hello, I was hoping you could write a letter to my team paper. I have attached the file which explains how the letter needs to be written. In the File "MGMT640 team 02 Ass 1

MGMT 640: Project Management – Team Assignment two, due by end week 8

Risk Management Plan

As a team, develop a risk management plan for the project you have been working. The plan must include the following sections:

  1. This assignment is the follow up of your first team assignment, so make a connection.

  2. Risk identification, including WBS code, RBS (risk breakdown structure) and a brief description of each failure mode.

  3. Qualitative analysis: Briefly describe and rate the risk priority number (RPN) constituents of each of the risks identified.

  4. Risk Response Matrix.

  5. Failure Response Matrix.

Attention! Minimum 3 internal and 2 external risks must be identified.

Realistically, how is risk management done in organizations? Write a persuasive letter to the Project Sponsor of the organization demonstrating the value of risk management and requesting that the practice be expanded to all projects with cost estimated over $10,000. Format this letter as business correspondence (include letter head, date, and signature) and write it from your perspective as a Project Manager. Make reference to at least 5 or 6 reference materials. Follow the rubrics provided in the course syllabus and use the APA guidelines.
