In a well-constructed essay, I would like you to chart and explain the growth and decline of liberal ideas and policies from Reconstruction to the present.


In the period covered during this course, American definitions of, and attitudes towards, liberalism changed drastically. In its nineteenth century form, liberalism usually referred to a policy of Laissez Faire. In this system, government performed minimal, "negative" functions, chief of which was to protect individual property rights. By the early twentieth century, however, liberalism increasingly implied a "positive" role for the government which demanded an active hand in regulating the economy, assisting the needy, and protecting civil rights. This modern conception of liberalism has come under increasing attack since the Vietnam War from conservatives who wanted to limit the size and role of government.

In a well-constructed essay, I would like you to chart and explain the growth and decline of liberal ideas and policies from Reconstruction to the present.

This question is deliberately broad. It is designed to encourage you to reflect on, and make sense of, what you have learned this semester. I realize that I am asking you to cover a large time period, and so I do not expect you to be able to cover every single policy change that has happened in this time period. Instead, I want you to provide a general overview of how and why attitudes and policies about the proper role of government have shifted over time. I want you to identify MAJOR events and MAJOR pieces of legislation that marked both the rise and decline of liberalism. I would also like you to try to explain WHY those changes occurred and to provide some sense of the on-going disputes about the proper size and scope of government, identifying which groups and political parties have historically favored either more or less of a role for government. Be sure to explain why liberal ideas and policies became more widely accepted between the 1890’s and the 1960’s AND why those same ideas and policies eventually came under attack in the late 60’s to the present.

To earn maximum credit for this essay, be as clear and as specific as you can. Avoid vague statements and sweeping generalizations. Make sure that you provide specific examples and back up your assertions with factual information drawn from lectures and your textbook.